BCH-11027 Bosch Premium O2(oxygen) Sensor - Purchased from Summit Racing for $17.95.

This is a single wire flanged unit and includes the Wiring Harness. They say that it does not last long if used with
100LL, the lead plugs it up... it is only to be used with high octane auto fuel... but for the cost($17.95) of the sensor you can do a lot of flying on 100LL, before it will have to be replaced... keep a spare unit on hand just in case. Once you start to use it with the right carb or fuel injector you will find out that you can't be without it... very simple install!

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Jesse Hartman on February 12, 2011 at 6:04pm
Well Ron I answered my question.  I built a turbo dirtbike and used a narrowband o2 sensor.  I went to a local race/speed shop to get some help with jetting, I could not get it to run right.  They told me that a narrowband o2 sensor is no where close to being accurate.  They told me it was just a pretty guage on my dash and that was it.  So I did alot of research and found a top of the line wideband o2 senor with the guage on ebay for 250.00.  With this on on the bike I could tune it perfect.  I could even see the guage reading change right before the engine tone changed.  I just thought I would share my past experience.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/AEM-DIGITAL-WIDEBAND-UEGO-CONTROLLER...

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