Making Seats

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Comment by Patrick Hoyt on April 11, 2011 at 8:45pm
Chris, I can't tell either way since my airplane isn't flying yet.  From sitting in both of them for short periods on the ground, they feel the same.  But it might be a different story after 2 or 3 hours in the air.
Comment by Chris Sinfield on April 10, 2011 at 11:44pm


I am about to start the seats as well. Are you still happy with the foam choice or would you use more of another colour?


Comment by Patrick Hoyt on October 30, 2010 at 7:14pm
I put down wax paper over the aluminum on the bottom. Then I laid strips of fiberglass on it. I had a roll of fiberglass "tape" that was 3 or 4 inches wide - I just used what I happened to have on hand. Did 2 layers with the fiberglass, oriented like a chess board. And epoxy resin.

For the seat back, I used 1/4" plywood. I think it was from one of the Zenith shipping crates. Nothing fancy. An aluminum extrusion is bolted to the back and serves as both a handle and as a "stop" to prevent the seat from sliding forward (the extrusion rests on the front bulkhead of the baggage compartment.

For foam I used the green/blue/pink comfor foam. I'm tall and could only do one layer and still have room to close the canopy. I did one seat in pink foam; the other in blue. Can't tell the difference just sitting in them on the ground (which is all I've done so far). There is a small wedge of the green foam at the lowest point.

Also did a center "arm rest" with a layer of pink foam over blue. That might be too soft though. We'll see.

Had a local auto upholsterer do the upholstery in "marine vinyl". Lot of guys ask me if it's fireproof - to be honest I don't know, and since I've got two fuel lines running to a selector switch in the cabin, if there's ever a fire I think the flammability of my upholstery is going to be the least of my worries.
Comment by Don Davis on October 20, 2010 at 8:22am
Can you give us some details on your materials? Seat back panel, foam, covering materials and where you got them. My wife has promised to do the seats for me, but she is at a loss about the best materials to use. But she sews a lot better than I do.

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