I needed storage for the light stuff like wing covers, engine blanket or sleeping bags and added a shelf behind the original baggage area wall.

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Comment by Bill Bear on April 4, 2022 at 12:33pm


I thought of that empty space in the wings but decided not to put lockers up there since  you can't reach them from the ground without a step stool or not at all on floats.  The wing tip access for fishing rods is a good one but again when on floats you need to have a wing over a bank or dock to access and no trees or brush in the way.  Bob Jones here at Big Lake had the best idea for fishing rods.... a large tube that extends aft from the rear of the baggage wall.  He can access rods or guns from inside his 701 easily.  I decided to carry a four section "backpack" rod if I want to go fishing.  About the only use of the empty area in the wings is for aux fuel tanks and I thought about adding more tanks.  Might do that some day.

Comment by Norm Neuls on April 4, 2022 at 12:10pm

Bill and I are only 5 miles apart and I contemplated putting an access door in my wingtips for fishing rods.  I could still do that but don't fish much anymore and removed the LE slats on my 750 about 100 hrs. ago because at my age, I'm not landing on 400 ft. gravel bars.  Rest assured Bill will not operate out of the CG envelope.  There are now five 750's in our greater area.

Comment by Wayne Woloshin on April 4, 2022 at 8:01am

Bill, Being where you are I would have built Wing Lockers a Rod Holders in the Wings ? Or did you already? 

Comment by Bill Bear on April 3, 2022 at 10:17pm

Wayne and Bob, thanks for the comments.  As you know, the takeoff CG must remain within the forward and aft limits of the envelope.  If I locate items aft and I want to keep the same CG, I will have to limit "allowable" weight that is forward.  Let's say the wing covers and blanket weigh about 25 pounds and are located in my new aft storage area.  That means that I will have to limit the allowable weight that is forward of the new location.  Computing a typical W&B calculation will tell me what that limitation might be.  I might choose to only carry 20 pounds in the normal baggage location or I might choose not to carry a passenger, or only fly with half tanks of fuel.  I have many options to arrange the items of useful load to insure that the CG will be located within the limiting envelope.  I added the additional storage area because winter ops here usually requires those bulky wing and engine covers which are really not that heavy but they would take up all the space in the small baggage area in the 750.  The bottom line is this: Moments are a product of weight and distance.  To remain within a range of "distances"; the allowable weights for those locations will have to be altered.  I have yet to measure the actual arm for the center of the new storage area to the Datum.  I have a handy dandy spreadsheet that will calculate the takeoff and landing CG plus do all of those "what ifs" and keep me within the CG limits of the 750.

Comment by Wayne Woloshin on April 2, 2022 at 4:22pm

Wow Bill all that stuff sounds heavy, you might be surprised what it weighs and it pretty far back. Best check the weight and calculations to see what you can put on your shelf?

Comment by Bob Simmons on April 1, 2022 at 11:54pm

How does it affect weight and balance?

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