Down and stopped on a dime...with change to spare.

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Comment by Andre Levesque on July 13, 2010 at 11:18am
I will look into that... totaly new to me. I know of the electric trim tab on the elevator but never knew about the electric flapperons. I learn new things everyday!! -:)

I have a hard time visualizing how that works...especially if you need to correct banking in windy conditions.
On a cesna for have flaps and ailerons. So you can use aileron control independently from tha flaps.. Anyways... I will find that out when I fly the 750. LOL I better get a proper check ride...or else THUMP THUMP THUMP !!

Thanks Bob
Comment by Bob McDonald on July 13, 2010 at 8:27am
The CH750 has electric flaps. There is no 5-10-20 degree "stops"...its an electric toggle switch above the throttle on my panel. The pilot select the amount required. I figure maybe 5 degrees for float take-offs might be of benifit in the ground effect (on water) to help break surface "sticktion" (my word for it) of the floats bottoms to the calm lake water surface. After 5 degrees these flaperons become very powerful air brakes useful in limiting the airspeed build up on final approach over obstacles (trees, mountain valleys, nieghbours silos) as you lower the nose after clearing the obstacle heading for the runway. They limit the airspeed build up and increase the rate of airspeed decay on landing flair (read- a whole lot of sink rate going on). They must be used with a power on approach as the increase in sink rate & airspeed decay at full flaps is like dead sticking a helicopter. Flair too soon or too high and its the falling leaf landing "THUMP"... flair too late it the same "THUMP" An CH701/CH750 or CH801 with more experience flying these aircraft might be better able to explain the handle characteristics of a CH750 with full flaps applied on landing.
Comment by Andre Levesque on July 12, 2010 at 8:53pm
you need to educate me here ---:)
I didn't think the 701/750/801 had flaps per say.... I thought the yoke movement left to right is all you can do.
No separate lever controls to apply FLAPS per say, like 5 -10-20 degrees !! Am I missing something here??
If there is....they are certainly not in my plans...LOL

I can just imagine how fun it must be to fly the 750. Keep up the PIREP's
Comment by Bob McDonald on July 12, 2010 at 6:58pm
The CH750 is a sweetheart to fly. I can fly circuts in the length of the 2000ft runway. Climb 1000 - 1200 fpm on down wind cut power to idle, kick in a little side slip and your 1000 fpm going down with 65 mph airspeed. I'm not even playing with flaps yet....need more stick time without them.
I have seen some of that "off-road" aviation stuff they do in Alaska "Got Rocks" on utube is absoulutely outrageous.
Just happy to be having a hoot out flying the CH750.


Comment by Andre Levesque on July 12, 2010 at 3:04pm
Hi Bob!!
Are you practicing to beat the VALDEZ 2011 STOL competition??
It was won by a Carbon Cub SS this year 19 feet take-off. Impressive isn't.
but then again, they mentioned it's only for show and the guy has 27,000 hours flying in Alaska. They strip everything out odf that airplane, floor is in titanium...etc...

Very interesting to hear about your performance...keep'em coming...


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