Registration Zulu Mike Xray was the call sign for the launch I sold to buy the kit!

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Jeff Beachy on May 11, 2012 at 10:56am

Great looking bird, Jock! Congratulations! I like the look of the CZAW cowl better than any other Zenith cowl. Woodcomp prop looks cool as well. (Perhaps I'm biased, as my 701 has the same cowl and prop).

I have friends who recently moved to NZ (Havelock North), so someday I'll visit your beautiful country. It looks like a spectacular place to fly a 701.

Comment by Bob McDonald on September 29, 2011 at 5:27pm

Congrats on a successful build.

Comment by Jock Struthers on May 18, 2011 at 7:16pm

Hello Issac and Nita,

Thanks for your comment.  Jill and I are still in Cambodia.  I was all set to start up and test the motor and have my engineer give it the once over, etc etc and then this short notice job came up so the plane was pushed to the back corner of the hangar.  I am here until at least the end of June.  Such is my work/life style!

The only attraction to leaving this nice warm place and returning to NZ mid-winter in July is the thought of flying on those clear crisp winter watch this space.


How's your progress?

Comment by Isaac Wee and Nita Maharani on May 18, 2011 at 10:19am

Nice! How are you Jock? Back in NZ?


When does she fly? Keep us posted!


Isaac and Nita

Comment by Jock Struthers on March 19, 2011 at 11:09pm
Thanks Mack.  I got the inspiration from Dutch and Australian examples of similar layout that I saw on this website after I had tried many times to do come up with something similar. The wing and tail finish are of my design and my son designed the decal of a native NZ mountain parrot (kea) flying over our largest mountain, Mt Cook.
Comment by Mack P. Kreizenbeck on March 19, 2011 at 10:56pm

Beautiful Bird! I really like the paint job!


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