This photo of a 750 kit reminds me of a song called " hitche'n a ride "

This type of loading is something that I, and Mark Townsend, definately do not recommend. Daniel Tassé and I were forced to take this drastic measure, since there was no way we were going to make two trips, to Quebec and back, (a total of 43 hours.) to get our goodies home.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Bob McDonald on May 23, 2010 at 11:59am
I helped build Angus Watts fuselage because his kit arrived 5 weeks before mine. I worked 12 hrs/day for 5 days just to get a feel of the pace needed to build, and learn the skills required from Mark Townsend.
My buddies all came down to Can-Zac and "visited with a drill & rivet gun" during the construction. Bob Braden helped build both my wings in 5 days, Bob Stuart (CH701 builder) built my firewall in 2 days, Conrad Waters built my nose gear in a day, and my son Rob helped... it was a real aviation community experience.
Sharing the experience only enriches the whole process... the CH750 kit is very addicting to build.
Consider getting 2 partners and building the kit together....cuts all cost into smaller wallet bites!
Comment by Robert Pelland on May 22, 2010 at 8:10am
Bob, I only wish I could get down to the fun part of building it from the kit, but sadly it is not mine but Daniels, so I must continue building mine completely from scratch. As for the weight, Mark showed us the waybill, and it gave us a shipping weight for the creat of close to 1100 lbs. ? The trailer was purchased for his business, and it can safely carry a small loader, so I would not be confortable in even trying to guesstimate it's total weight. The two skids, plus the weight of aluminum was close to 1900 lbs.
Comment by Bob McDonald on May 22, 2010 at 6:34am
Talk about being "Built FORD Tough" that crate is 980lbs + the trailer.... "Holy Crap!" I guess the 5 ft box on my Honda Ridgeline is for my own protection. Glad the trip home was a safe one. Now the fun starts...building the CH750 kit.

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