These are the parts to my slotless flaperon control. I got the idea from Larry Martin. I'm well pleased with the results. More photos coming.

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Comment by Joe Harrington on June 28, 2013 at 10:43am


I bought everything at Aircraft Spruce. The bearing is part # FMN12. I bought a short length of 4130 3/4 x 0.095" tubing and a short piece of 7/8 x 0.065" tubing to mate together. For the plate I bought a small piece of 0.071" sheet 4130. In hindsight I would buy at least one size thinner. The stuff I have is pretty heavy but I wanted to make sure everything was heavy enough in the absence of any engineering. Simply buy tubing that will fit snug (nest) together. If you do an internet search there are several guys that have info, including Ben Haas with his 801.

Good Luck,


Comment by Martin Bima on June 21, 2013 at 12:07am

Hello, thanks for posting the pics. Can you please tell me about the bearing, size and where you bought it ?


Comment by Normand Lambert on February 23, 2011 at 11:50am

Hi Chris,


Nice plane. I wonder if I could ask a question ?  Oups, just did !

Another then...You used to fly with a 70 inch 3 bladed Warpdrive on a 912ULS (100hp), what was the pitch (degrees) you setup the blades at ???

I noticed somewhere else you said you were getting around 90mph cruise, is this still valid ?

Thanks for any info you can provide.





Comment by Ron D Leclerc on March 22, 2009 at 2:27pm
Hey Chris

Good idea... but am I missing something here? Id there a rod or tube to connect both cranks together... seems to be missing in the parts shown. What size are the bearings?

Comment by Debra and Patrick Nesbitt on March 9, 2009 at 10:23pm
Nice work, please post more photos.

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