Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Congratulations to Deane Philip in Zenith CH701 ZK-JUG for winning the "Healthy Bastards STOL competition" in New Zealand, and to Jock Struthers for coming in second in his Zenith CH701 ZK-ZMX.
Way to go, Deane! I'm sure that the skill of the pilot is a key factor in STOL techniques.
Congratulations Deane and Jock, you guys have done well.
Oh man! Where's the video? ;-)
More info on the "Healthy Bastards STOL competition" in New Zealand held on February 1, 2014.
Microlight (LSA) Category <1325 lbs. Top 5 results: (Complete results)
1. Deane Philip in a Zenith CH701 with 100-hp Rotax (JUG): Take-off: 16.3 Landing: 27.1 (43.4 pts)
2. Jock Struthers in a Zenith CH701 with a 80-hp Rotax (ZMX): Take-off: 20.8 Landing: 32.1 (52.9 pts)
3. Robert Gray in a Carbon Cub with 180-hp (CSS): Take-off: 28.5 Landing 49.2 (77.7 pts)
4. Bo Nilsson in a Rans S7S with a 100-hp Rotax (XBO): Take-off: 59 Landing 60 (119 pts)
5. Chris Reid in a Rans S6S with a 80-hp Rotax (CER): Take-off: 56.6 Landing: 90 (146.6 pts)
Watch this great video of the winner at last year's event.
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