A closeup of the tool. The bare spot doesn't touch the piece - its below the surface of the scotchbrite. A screw holds the wedge in place.

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Comment by Jacob on January 26, 2011 at 5:52am
I use a product called PreKote which you applied by hand with scotchbrite to treat the alluminium then you just rinse it with water and let it dry.  After that I just apply zinc chromate. I guess I won't find out how good it works for a while but the US airforce use it so it must be half decent.  I choose it because it's easier and safer than alodine.  That cortec stuff sounds good to but I'm not sure how available it is in Australia.  Does it require a pre-treatment of does that self-etching component decontaminate the surface upon application.
Comment by Joseph F. Truncale on January 21, 2011 at 6:45pm

I purchased the rudder assembly video and in it the fellow said to rough up the mating surfaces with scotchbrite, clean the parts, and then apply corrosion protection.  And it makes sense to me.  You get the best bond to a roughened surface.  I also did some test panels with and without scotchbrite and with different drying times.  Best results were per above and waiting at least 24 hours before assembling.  I use zinc phosphate yellow with a full coat on the joints and a 50% coat on the rest of the inner surfaces.



Comment by Lee Engel on January 21, 2011 at 5:31pm
I use "Cortec" or self etching primer    Lee
Comment by Andre Levesque on January 21, 2011 at 12:52pm
why are you doing this process?
Comment by Robert Crawford on January 20, 2011 at 8:35pm
Joseph, what is it that you're doing with the scotchbrite

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