Here's what happened when I let the drill wander a little on the cutout.

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Comment by Dave Gardea on March 18, 2011 at 6:50pm

Rebecca, didn't know if you have spotted this on the EAA videos site:

That's great you work for 3M .. what a great resource to have access to.


Comment by Rebecca Anne Shipman on March 17, 2011 at 8:30am

Thanks for the tip, Dave - I should be able to come up with a Scotchbrite wheel, as i work for 3M!  Now to go get that bench grinder......

Dressing edges with the file is a little tedious.  I'm also looking for that tool that they had at the workshop - kind of a little plane with a couple of rotating cutters. But maybe the scotchbrite wheel would replace that.

Comment by Dave Gardea on March 16, 2011 at 4:42pm
Rebecca, before you rivet the pieces together, get yourself a scotchbrite wheel ( ) for your bench grinder. Using the scotchbrite wheel on the edges of parts like these will polish all those edges up nicely and help remove any potential for future stress riser cracks. Go slow when moving parts into the wheel as can remove a lot of material if needed or just nicely dress rough edges. It will be a tool you will use throughout your building as you fabricate parts. //Dave

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