Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Albums: 750 Super Duty Build
Location: WA
Hey! Nice work! Just curious, were you expecting to have to finish hole size drill all the skins? I’m working on my tail right now and from all the promo videos for the SD it seemed like the whole thing was finished-hole size. I’m not mad about the work, just surprised that it wasn’t what I thought had been advertised.
Thanks for this comment, Mike! Hopefully a connecting rod will be saved from the scrape pile. I'm working on this today, so I came back to read your comment again with the plans in front of me.
CORRECTION...the drawing is dated June 28, 2019.
Hello, Jono-
Nice work. It looks like we are at about the same stage in our SD build. I just attached the trim tab to the elevator. I learned a lot..and found what I believe is a problem with drawing SD75-HE-04.
Drawing SD75-HE-04 (dated June 28, 2018) says to make the Servo Connecting Rod Assembly 148 mm between the holes in the plastic fork ends. I carefully measured and cut the threaded rod, temporarily reassembled the rod and forks to the specified 148 mm, and marked the location of the fork ends with the lock nuts. Then, when I connected the end to the servo and fed the rod through the slot to attach to the Trim Tab Horn, I found it was too short to provide the correct travel. I had to order another 8-32 SS threaded rod to make a new connecting rod. The distance between the holes is 158 mm instead of 148mm. Now I get the specified 30 +/- 2 degrees of travel in both directions.
Hey, Jono,
I'm about at the same spot with my tail section, too. I haven't joined the elevator to the stab just yet, but I'm already looking at how to attach the trim tab. The IPL seems lacking in clear instructions for a newbie like me. Have you reviewed this part yet? Pointers?
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