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Comment by Pat on February 4, 2011 at 12:43pm
Dan, 15 min. @ a time is an excellent bench mark, even for new construction. I'm sure during those intervals you'll observe much an the repair will seem much easier when you actually start each repair. I know in the planes I've built, far more tijme was spent on planning and understanding what I was gonna do next so I wouldn't make a amistake. I'm sure you'll go about this build the same thought process , and once moving along you'll outline an exact course of direction. Its a big project for sure, but maybe less than building a new plane from start? Knowledge is power here. Plus you have a very large data base now of builders that may be able to ease the burden along the way. Will be eager to see your progress. Pat
Comment by Danny Creech on February 3, 2011 at 10:16pm

You know Pat, when I first saw the ad for this plane on Barnstormers I thought "Wow, what a great deal". Then I contacted the guy and requested more photos. He sent me about 20 very detailed photos. Then I thought "Oh my God, what a lot of work!!!" I wrote the guy a nice letter stating how much I appreciated the offer but just felt that it was too big of a project for me to take on at this time with me starting a new job and taking online college classes. I did mention to him that if his price changed to let me know. He wrote me back and came down on the price even further. I just couldn't pass it up and went the next day to get it. He told me when I was there that he had over 20 people contact him and six others wanted to buy it. He said that out of all of the people that responded to him. That my email was the most sincere and nice in asking for a lower price. The funny thing was I really wasn't asking for a lower price. I just wanted to keep track of the project in case he did go lower. hahaha Hummmm Maybe the joke is on me since I now have the project <Smile>.

While I was there my brother who went with me was helping me load it and I said to him how big of a project this is and then added "Hey, how do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time!”

This is something I knew. The other thing that is really making this project stay on track is something I read in the EAA magazine. A builder mentioned the best way to finish a big project was everyday do only 15 minutes of work on the project. When you don’t have time just go out there and do 15 minutes. 15 minutes at the end of a week is an hour and 45 minutes of work. That is “IF” you only do 15 minutes. If you go out there and end up doing more than 15 minutes, then you are even further ahead.

Also, I’m very realistic. When people ask me how long will it take to get the plane finished I take what I think it will take to finish and the multiply it by four. So, right now I am telling everyone “A Year.” I know inside that if I work on it harder, I could have it done by Oshkosh. But I am a realist.

Thank you for your kind words Pat. The more I get into this project the more I think, man I really wish I was starting with a NEW “PRE-DRILLED” CH-750 kit. At least that way I know everything will line up. hahaha


Comment by Pat on February 3, 2011 at 10:18am
Dan, Thats awsome you'd take on a project this size. I'm sure you'll come out ahead. And the 750 has to be a great motivater, its a super plane! One piece at a time! Pat
Comment by Danny Creech on February 2, 2011 at 10:40pm
The builder and owner had left some tools in the aircraft when he put the wings back on after trailer the aircraft to his borthers house several states away. He had been doing this for a little while. But this time the tools fround their way under the seats and into the control rod tunnel between the seats. While flights the controls jamed and he put it in a corn field several years ago. He took most of it apart and then it sat. Then a guy in Dallas bought it and had it for a few years and rebuilt the a wing and a flaparon. Then he needed it out of his way because he found another good deal. I picked it up for just a few thousands and just started on it. I have removed all the bent parts and made a list of parts I have to purchase to start going back together with it. Once I finish my list I will place the order. I'm hoping the parts don't run past $2,500 but we will see. Most parts are small items. Then I have the fusalage to put back together, fix some stuff on the non repaired wing, build the left wings flaparon, build all new slats, then rig it all back up and re-wire it. hahhaha So, yeah, I have my work cut out for me. Then when I am done. I will sell it. I didn't buy the plane for me. I really can't afford it right now. I got it as a project I can make money with and then use that money to buy my CH-750 kit with.
Comment by Pat on February 2, 2011 at 8:51am
Hi Dan, What happened to lead up to this mishap? Engine out? Hope everyones fine. thx Pat

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