New trim on wheel fairings, and canopy shield installed

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Comment by John Linke on August 18, 2012 at 8:46am
Thank you for your kind comment. I spoke with a gentleman from Zenith Canada and he indicated to me that the original molds were available, and a set of fairings could be made by special request. Cost may be prohibitive, and modifying an existing set a heck of a lot of work and if I had to do it, I'd think about starting with a set of 601HD fairings, since they are wide and already are designed to cover the gear leg and the brake assembly. A lot of work but I have flown mine with and without the fairings and note a speed increase of 7 -10 mph, better rate of climb and smoother transition in the landing flare, as they smooth the flow under the wing and around the stabilator. Believe it or not, fairing the gear legs makes a big difference too.
Comment by Glen on August 14, 2012 at 2:55pm
Looks great,,,wonder if you would know where I could get my hands on a set of wheel fairings for a ch200?

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