Off to a proper hangar for final assembly

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Comment by Kevin Collins on December 20, 2012 at 11:54pm

bet you enjoyed the attention towing her through town, I'm trying to organise a couple of aircraft for our new years day parade through town. i have a few issues to sort yet (getting the aircraft in to town for one) my thinking is that a little publicity can't hurt our cause.

Comment by Jock Struthers on December 20, 2012 at 2:27pm

Forgot to add - Besides it was amusing driving through town in a place where its usually boats on trailers - created a lot of interested looks and comments  - felt like going round the roundabouts a few  times to show off!

Comment by Jock Struthers on December 20, 2012 at 2:21pm

Not much chance of that - ie taking off ex the Road - I needed to take it to a proper hangar to rig it - as you can see from the garage door behind, there was no room to rig the wings inside!  Still, it could be an option now - there is a big paddock just past my gateway which is plenty big enough, but being right on the town boundary I think I will have a few complaints from the residents of adjoing houses!

Comment by Kevin Collins on December 20, 2012 at 4:24am

Hi Jock - this looks very responsible of you(taking your newly built plane to the airport on a trailer) I was a bit naughty and flew my last rebuild (zk-MAD) off the road outside home. It was with the best of intentions though, the weather man predicted 8 inches of snow over night so I had to get it under cover (photos at yahoo groups,fly challenger. in album zk-mad) and yes we did get the snow.

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