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Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
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Exlusive online community for active builders and pilots of Zenith Aircraft kits (Chris Heintz / Zenair light airplane designs).
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Alvin, if you still monitor this space…..
bob Moore here in eastern wa state, with a ch 701/rotax 912 big boy kit, partially completed. Have a set of challenger puddlejumpers, that are too small for the 701.
contemplating going directly to puddlejumpers for the ch701. Your observations on the puddlejumpers on a ch 701? Pretty sheltered waters here on the Columbia and snake rivers.
I have a single garage attached to the house and and a 12x16 shed in the backyards...between the two I hope to have enough room. Time to start cleaning out the junk!
How do you like the PJ floats? How are they standing up... any problems yet?
I have a friend with a 701 who really wants to put floats on it.
I'll forward him that info.
The biggest brook trout I ever caught was probably smaller than the lure/ bait fish Tom used to catch that monster! :) (6")
I live in Washington and we catch salmon almost that big....occasionally. :)
What kind of floats are those?
So far I havn't had the experience but if it's anything like a Cessina which I've flown a few times it should be quite a hoot. I have a set of float plans which I was planning on building after I get my bird flying. I was thinking I could use Tundra tires and snow skis until then. My big question is wether to put an 80 hp or spend the extra $$ for the 100hp Rotax. I'm building in my under heated garage so building has come to a standstill while I get some of the honeydoos out of the way.