Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I'm not aware of any -801 steel bungees that are flying. Saw this post about an installation but not sure if it's flying yet. Dan Niendorff opted for the Zenith donut/pucks system and I nearly did that but liked the Viking system more since it loads the bungee pin instead of the top firewall Z. Viking has an option for a -801 bungee on their order form which is what I ordered but the strap I got from them is clearly not going to work (maybe my 2008 kit has a different firewall / nosegear than the current SD or HD versions?).
Let me know next time you're in MKE. Zenith builders are always welcome!
I have a house full of people right now. I will call you early next week. my e-mail is
the reason I was thinking of this weekend is my wife gets a new knee Monday. My life will be hectic for a few days after that!
Any time that is good for you let me know.
Could I come by and see your project?
I head south Oct 20 or so. I would love to look at your 801 and give you some tips on flying it. I have over 800 hrs in in mine.
Give me a call 907-255-8586
I have a ticket on US airways red eye direct from Anchorage to PHX. Get on at mid night where it is 35 and rainy and get off into 75 and sunshine.
My winter home is in Casa Grande. We are headed down Oct 25. I would love to come look/ help with your project.
I consider my 801 an Alaska plane. If I build an AZ plane it would be 180 hp 180 mph.
We should get all the builders in the area together and have dinner.
Good Morning Chane, thanks for the shout. Where is Queen Creek? I'm near Tucson, building a 750 with a Converted Corvair, per William Wynne's manual.
Regards, Ron
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Zenith Homecoming Tee:
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