Clemens Kramer
  • Male
  • Okeechobee, FL
  • United States
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  • FW Tompson
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  • Bruce Cruikshank
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Clemens Kramer's Blog

FAA inspection scheduled one year to the day I started building my CH750

Posted on December 21, 2009 at 1:06pm 0 Comments

Just scheduled my Airworthiness inspection for my CH750 for January 9, 2010. I thought waiting for my kit to arrive was bad, this is going to be nerve racking at best, waiting two weeks. Still have some little things to do but not enough to keep my mind off Jan 9th. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


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At 4:13am on May 14, 2015, bud smith said…
thank you Clemens look forward to meeting when you return in July
At 9:06am on May 13, 2015, Clemens Kramer said…
Bud, currently in tennesse. Won't be back till July. Flew 750 for 2 years and sold it. Now flying aeronca 7ac/bcm. Jan great guy. Did my rv training with him. Would love to talk about ch750. New phone number 863 697 6078 (cell)
At 3:19pm on May 11, 2015, bud smith said…

Good afternoon Clemens, I'm a RV-8 flyer at F45 just down the Beeline from OBE. I'm very serious about building a CH750 and would love to meet you and talk about yours.


Also great excused to visit for lunch and maybe say hi to Jan Bussell.

At 12:54am on June 30, 2014, Jack Schnurr said…

I am in the phase 1 testing period on my C-90 zenith 750, 14 hours so far. My oil temps are hitting 220 even though I installed an oil cooler. I am considering putting a hole in the cowl to put an airflow over the bottom of the engine. Do you have any ideas on what i might do?

Thanks for your help with my problem,

At 10:44pm on April 28, 2012, Bruce Cruikshank said…

Hi Clemens,

Since you've started flying without the slats, are you still using the original slatted CG range?  Is it any harder to keep the nose off during landing?  Finally about to fly my slatless CH750 for the first time.  Bruce Cruikshank

At 1:42pm on April 5, 2011, Bruce Cruikshank said…
Not fling yet. All parts are finished. Have to paint wings. Assemble and install engine.
At 8:36pm on April 2, 2011, Mike Schlichtman said…
I'm curious what happend to your wing tip.  Was it impacted by something or did the slat come loose due to the impact.
At 11:56pm on April 5, 2010, Bruce Cruikshank said…
Hi Clemens,
Are you using any kind of fuel pump. or just a gravity feed fuel system?
Thanks Bruce
At 8:30am on February 8, 2010, Clemens Kramer said…
I can't be sure but that is what I have been concerned with(exit air), however comparing openning at the bottom of several older aircraft their opennings are no larger than the CH750 and in one case smaller. So, I draw the conclusion that I'm forcing more air in and there fore forcing more air out creating a better cooling effect. Also the air is dircted more toward the oil sump which should help. I may make the "lip" deeper into the compartment this summer if the temps go up to get the air more directly to the oil sump. This past weekend it never got over 168 degrees. My friends got to 220 in 20 mins. He is adding an oil cooler as I write.
At 2:28pm on February 6, 2010, Gary Burdett said…
On your extra hole in the nose, do you know if that is intake or exit air that is improving your temps?

Gary Burdett

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