Dane Smith
  • Male
  • Piedmont, SC
  • United States
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At 5:04am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on (mmichaelmccarthy4@gmail.com ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 11:43pm on June 11, 2013, Chumphol Sirinavin said…

Hi Dane,

Are you still flying your 701 with Great Plains VW engine? I hope to fly mine with a VW and am checking for happy 701 VW folks.


At 8:51pm on February 21, 2011, Wayne Clagg said…
Hi Dane, it's me again, I was sitting here thinking about what I said and realized it made no sense. Let me clear it up. I'm not familiar with Warp Drive props, they seem to be the standard everyone talks about when discussing pitch, I don't know how they or others for that matter measure their angle of adjustment / pitch. I have tried very pitch setting imaginable but I finally decided I wanted a little more cruise. With the pitch set really fine I did see a little better improvement in climb and the initial acceleration was good but cruise suffered immensely. I compromised and set it up for a good climb rate and nice cruise. The engine turns 3750 in climb and I let it stretch out to 3900 for cruise. Any questions let me know.
At 7:42pm on February 21, 2011, Wayne Clagg said…
Hi Dane, I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I missed the friend request somehow. I don,t know what my pitch is, I run a Powerfin That sets with a pin in a hole and feeler gauges. I had it set as fine as it would go when it was 74" but I upgraded the redrive and they sent me one with a little lower ratio. I had to cut the prop down a little to 70" which was a good thing, it improved my prop clearance and removed a Nick. I have it set now at about 14 degrees at the tip, for better cruise. I quit using the pin setup and set it with a digital angle finder now. I'm real, real happy with it now, it cruises at 92 to 94 mph and climbs about 700 fpm. Fuel burn is pretty high but the cruise is quick. I have a blog that answers many questions that folks ask about my setup if you are interested.
At 6:48pm on July 5, 2009, joseph aloof said…
hi dane hows the vw going are you finished? if so im looking for info about the motormount for vw 701 and spec on the engine thanx..
At 7:59am on July 3, 2009, Dane Smith said…
I guess I would have to add that i am 6-8months away from having a personal testimony!
At 7:58am on July 3, 2009, Dane Smith said…
I read that the direct drive 2180cc vw can put out about 80hp. The engine actually can put out about 100hp at 4500rpm but you cannot turn a prop that fast so with a 1.6:1 reduction you can get 100hp with your prop at 3000rpm. More or less. What i read and am told is that examples of the 701 with direct drive do not do so well but there are 701s flying with a reduction drive and happy owners.
At 5:53pm on July 2, 2009, joseph aloof said…
hi dane im wondering about the actual hp on the vw a friend has a plane very simalar to the 701 and he says the hp is maybe 68-70 has anyone checked and run the vw with 701? THE 80 HP THAT IS GIVEN IS ON A SONEX VERY SMALL
At 12:26am on January 30, 2009, Ben Schaefer said…
When you put the front section on the wings did you have any dimpling etc of the section when you rivited it to the bottom section?

At 12:25am on January 30, 2009, Ben Schaefer said…
Tin-canning. The metal isn't tight like you would see on a cessna wing. It will pop in and out...no permanent creases. I had one aircraft inspector tell me it's because the metal that zenith uses is too flimsy...doesn't affect flight characteristics just appearance.


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