Gene Kujawa
  • Male
  • Poplar Grove, IL
  • United States
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Gene Kujawa's Friends

  • Kurt Satter
  • Terry D Hobert
  • Michael J. Festa Sr
  • Thomas Jackson
  • David Gallagher
  • Dale Medendorp
  • Phillip Owens
  • Zenith.Aero

Gene Kujawa's Page

Profile Information

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
Less than half
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired Industrial Education Teacher - Construction and Computer Technology.

Corvair 120 hp engine test ran at Mexico, Mo Corvair College September 2014 and 2015 after removal of chinese rocker arms.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)
C77 Poplar Grove, Illinois

Gene Kujawa's Blog

650B Hinged vs flex hinge ailerons

Posted on April 24, 2015 at 8:26pm 4 Comments

I would appreciate any comments from pilots who have flown both versions of the hinged ailerons and flex hinged ailerons.

I have flown the flex hinge version and noted that it took real effort to turn (real stiff) compared to my Cherokee 140 which could be turned with essentially finger tip pressure.

One pilot stated the hinged ailerons worked well on the ground but were just as stiff as his prior installed flex hinge in the…


Corvair Engine - Upper to Cylinder Head Studs (long studs).

Posted on August 20, 2010 at 11:13am 1 Comment

Been informed that Clark's Corvair new cylinder, upper to cylinder head studs, expand about 30-40 thousanths more than the original GM studs.

Clark's Corvair has informed me that it will not affect the engine.

Does anyone have actual experience with these new studs compared to GM's originals which are no longer available as "new original stock?

Any adverse problems?

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At 4:38pm on April 30, 2015, Terry D Hobert said…

No problem Gene, when your back up shoot me an email.



At 1:20pm on November 22, 2014, Kurt Satter said…

Many thanks.  I had hoped for such a response, not only for the savings (crating ) but I don't relish the 14' trailer tow 1050 total miles.  I'm checking with the folks at Zenith (who do this often) if the kit will fit in a 10' Ford Econoline van (I have access to one of these now also).

Thanks again ...

At 10:41am on November 12, 2014, Terry D Hobert said…
Gene, Thank You so much, I have have been researching this, probably over analyzing of course. Really my only concern at this point is the engine mount.
I have ordered the WW manual and am looking forward to this project! It is so great to be building once again!
At 2:20pm on September 22, 2009, Phillip Owens said…
Gene, Nice to finally meet you and your wife, I am looking forward to a visit from both of you.
At 10:27am on July 8, 2009, Phillip Owens said…
Gene, I look forward to meeting you I will be working on the plane on friday hangar #43 usually until about 3:PM or so just for information.
At 10:21am on July 7, 2009, Phillip Owens said…
Gene, Welcome to the Zenith Builders family, I am extending an invitation to you to come and visit my 801 project, perhaps you can get some ideas and aviod some pitfalls. Give me a call to arrange a time and date if you are interested. 608-728-0365

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