Michael McConnell
  • Lorton, VA
  • United States
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  • Bill Carter
  • Michael Herder

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Financial Advisor; retired Navy P-3 pilot

Interested Buyer; not yet a BUILDER of Zodiac 601 XL

I want to own a Zodiac 601 XL and want to learn all I can before I buy.  I am seriously considering buying a 2006 Z 601 XL which is for sale and registered E-AB.  I have several questions:  When a new owner buys an E-AB registered aircraft, do the same privileges extend to the new owner regarding inspections and maintenance?  The current owner (builder) does not have a POH for the aircraft.  Can I get one from Zenith Aircraft?  The engine on this aircraft is a Corvair O-164 per Wm Wynne's conversion instructions.  How can I get a maintenance manual for this engine; from Mr Wynne? (builder does not have one).  This aircraft is flown in the "farmland" with no transponder; what used transponder is recommended.  I'm looking at a reconditioned KT-76A-CD in Trade-a-Plane listed for $695; is this reasonable?  Last annual inspection was done by the owner/builder; should I have a certified A+P inspect the plane before buying?  HELP!


Michael McConnell's Blog

How to Transport a "Broken" Z 601XL-B??

Posted on August 18, 2011 at 7:09pm 5 Comments

I am considering buying a "broken" Z 601 XL-B (prop and engine damaged in hangar accident by elder owner), and since I am not a "builder", I'm wondering how to remove the wings for trailer transport of the plane from Ohio to Virginia.  This may be "mission impossible" or "foolish mission" (new show?), but I'd like ideas and advice about HOW and IF this can be done safely.  Obviously I want to avoid or minimize any damage to the wings, electrical and fuel lines, control cables, etc.  I don't… Continue

Interested Zodiac 601 XL buyer; not yet a BUILDER

Posted on August 15, 2011 at 6:42pm 5 Comments

I very interested in buying a built 2006 Z 601 XL which is registered E-AB and have many questions.  Does the E-AB registration transfer to the new owner upon sale?  The real questions is; does the new owner have the same inspection and maintenance privileges as the original owner?  There is no POH for the aircraft of interest; can I get one from Zenith Airraft?  This aircraft has a Corvair O-164 engine built by the aircraft builder per Wm Wynne's conversion manual.  Can I get a maintenance… Continue

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At 11:04pm on August 16, 2011, Bill Carter said…


The aircraft will remain registered as it is. If you were not the builder then you do not have the builder privileges. I have heard that this may be possible by taking some classes. I would suggest contacting the EAA. I think that they will be able to give you a much more authoritative answser than I can.

You should ask Zenith about the POH but since they only build kits and not complete airplanes I suspect that they will not have one. The POH is one of the things that they builder is supposed to put together as he conduct his test flights. Again EAA has information about how to compile that info. The previous owner should have that info for you although it may not be in an official POH handbood format. It wouldn't hurt to contact Wm Wynn. Again, like Zenith, I don't think that he will have one but you can certainly begin compiling the info from them, the EAA, Myself, and others on this forum and you should be able to compile a very nice manual. The Airworthiness is updated by a condition inspection. Of course any A&P can do this fr you, but again you may find out that it is legal for you to it yourself with this class that I have heard about. But PLEASE be sure to check this info out before you buy the airplane.

As for a pre purchase inspection I'd say that an A&P would work well but you might also try just getting someone who has built the same model and engine to take a look if you only want an opinion. Heck if you are near me I wouldn't mind taking a look with you.

$695 is a fair price if it includes the tray. You might also check the Yard Store and Wentworth Aircraft. If have seen deals on each of their websites.

Take my advice for what its worth but please check out all advice from anyone before acting on it.

Thanks for the inquiry,

Bill Carter



At 1:50pm on August 15, 2011, Bill Carter said…

Welcome to the family.

I wish you the all the best with your project. If you ever get the chance to visit the Zenith factory please take the time to stop by our builder assist facility too. We are their newest and nearest builder assist facility and like to have visitors. We are right here in Mexico, Mo., not far from the factory.

Take care and good luck,

Bill Carter

American Light Sport Aircrafters

Builder Assist & Assembly Center



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