Interested Zodiac 601 XL buyer; not yet a BUILDER

I very interested in buying a built 2006 Z 601 XL which is registered E-AB and have many questions.  Does the E-AB registration transfer to the new owner upon sale?  The real questions is; does the new owner have the same inspection and maintenance privileges as the original owner?  There is no POH for the aircraft of interest; can I get one from Zenith Airraft?  This aircraft has a Corvair O-164 engine built by the aircraft builder per Wm Wynne's conversion manual.  Can I get a maintenance manual from Mr Wynne? The builder does not have one.  This aircraft is flown in the "heartland" and has no transponder.  I welcome suggestions for an affordable used or reconditioned transponder.  I have seen a KT-76A in Trade-a-Plane for $695; is this reasonable? or are there better choices?  Should I have a certified A+P inspect the aircraft before I buy?  How is the Airworthiness Certificate updated or renewed?.  This novice buyer has many questions and needs HELP!  Advice is welcomed!

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Comment by Michael McConnell on August 16, 2011 at 8:05pm
Ron:  Thanks for the info and advice.  I'm getting into the WW Corvair info.  There is a lot of material to learn!
Comment by Ronald Steele on August 16, 2011 at 4:16pm

I got a KT-76A off ebay for about $575.  It seems to be the only reasonably modern transponder found on the used market.  I got it for the opening bit on ebay.  The trick was the auction ended on Memorial day weekend.  The previous week a couple went for more, about the price you quoted I think.

Both the wings and the fuselage need to upgrade to "B".  But it's usually just called the wing upgrade.

Make sure the Corvair has a nitrided crank.  WW insists on it, but it's worth asking.  Also, it should have a "5th bearing".  This is a "bolt on" bearing on the crank shaft on the propeller end of the engine to help take the prop loads.  There are a lot of Corvair's flying just fine without a 5th bearing, but it's a measure of insurance.

I highly recommend getting WW manuals, for the conversion and for the 601 installation and reading carefully before you look at the plane.  It's a weekend read, or a couple of evenings during the week.  You will have a lot more confidence in purchase decision.



Comment by Michael McConnell on August 16, 2011 at 5:58am

Louis:  This XL had the wing mod done last year by the builder/owner.  Is that what you mean by "upgraded to B model"?

Jerry:  Thanks for the info.  I AM an EAA member and left a phone msg for an Tech Counselor yesterday; will try again today.  I'll check out the site.  Thanks again!

Comment by Louis W. Ott on August 15, 2011 at 10:06pm
Has the 601 XL been upgraded to the B model?
Comment by Jerry Latimer on August 15, 2011 at 7:51pm

The E-AB registration will transfer to the new buyer with no problem.

Anyone can do maintenance on an E-AB registered airplane.  The issue is that you will not have inspection privileges to do the annual condition inspection.  This can be done by the original owner if they hold the repairman certificate for that airplane or an API.

There are several examples of POH's on the site.  The issue is that each plane has different equipment and will have different stall speeds, rate of climbs, etc.  This is all determined during phase I testing and should have been documented by the original builder.

I would let a knowledgeable person look the plane over.  It doesn't have to be A&P.  It could be another builder of a 601 or an EAA Tech Counselor.  A list of Tech Counselors can be found on the EAA website

Airworthiness Certificate is not affected.

From the questions you asking, you should join EAA (if you're not a member already).  They would be able to answer a lot your questions about buying an experimental aircraft.


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