Thomas Palmer
  • Shelbyville, KY
  • United States
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  • Daniel Niendorff
  • Cameron Wood
  • ronald zielke
  • Mike Norton
  • Clay Stuart
  • John  Austin
  • Rick D Spurling
  • David A. Wiebe
  • Ron Belknap
  • Michael Trusty
  • Bruce Case
  • Robert Allen
  • Chad  Johnson
  • Mark Kikendall
  • Richard Benson

Thomas Palmer's Page

Profile Information

Aircraft Model
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Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired / Business owner
Have owned Aeronca, J3, C170, C172
Private Pilot / IFR / 1500 hrs.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 4:59am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 12:12am on August 11, 2014, Jack E Martin said…


Please let me know how your 750 flies with the 0-235. STOL performance? Total Weight?

I would like to use the 0-235 I had in my Longeze, but I need to make the LSA weight limit and only have 1000 feet of runway.

Thank You ,

Jack Martin


At 11:31pm on April 22, 2013, ronald zielke said…

Thanks for your kind word Thomas  we never did get togher, there was a good reason, my wife of 55 years passed away in august and it really did me in.  But maybe with summer coming on we can get together some day in the near future I will call you one evning this week thanks again  

At 2:30pm on August 22, 2012, ronald zielke said…

thanks Thomas Just let me know when your back and settled in,  I'll be looking forward to meeting you,and seing your plane.  it must trully be exciting that your into painting. 

At 8:48pm on August 19, 2012, ronald zielke said…

Hi Thomas I just recived my plans for the 750 and was wondering if i  could come somtime and vist you and see your aircraft.  I too am retired so any time coveniant for you would be good for me. my email is thanks  Ron Zielke , I live next to manmoth cave natl. park ky

At 4:03pm on November 2, 2011, David A. Wiebe said…


I understand that you are using a Lycoming IO-233 for your 750. I have been in the throes of deciding on the UL350IS or the 233. I prefer to buy American for a number of reasons.

I would appreciate any information you might pass on to me regarding firewall fireward components, particularilly about sourcing an engine mount, cowling, and propeller.

Thanks for your time.

At 10:20pm on January 28, 2011, Ron Belknap said…
Tom How is your 750 comming along. I ordered the cowling and engine mount from Zenith, Mexico but is back ordered untill march. Tried to contact Zenith Canada but they don't answer. Added a hand brake in the meantime.  A question: the pedal connected front wheel stearing rotates on a bearing pad that is not flat but angles up on the front and back which when when air born is forced into the bearing by the bungy chord. This causes a great deal of foot load to opperate the rudder in the air and tends to return the rudder to neutral. When on the ground the engine weight most likely will streach the bungy so that the force on the bearing is zero. For what purpose is shaped bearing pad? I have it in mind to mill it flat.
At 6:41pm on January 9, 2011, Paul Bonasera said…

Thomas, I haven't rebuilt the 0-235 yet just a tear down and inspection. looks like all I will need is main, rod bearings, send out cyl's for bore and new pistons w/ rings. the cam and lifters will need to be replaced (rusted same as tops of cylinders).

I've called and checked on prices only so far.


At 12:02am on December 15, 2010, Ron Belknap said…

Thomas, your pic, remind me of where I was. Had it all put together, wings, stabalizer, elevator and rudder all to specks, than took it apart to paint. Finished painting, not a good job, and put it back together except for the wings since I need to trailer it to the local field. Engine due end of Feb. In the mean time toughing up on odds and ends. Have you run the cableing yet? Tested the rudder movement? After installing the break lines I modified them to add a hydraulic parking break.Have you ordered your engine? Looks like a 90 day lag.

At 3:06pm on November 11, 2010, Doug Johnson said…
I think you will be flying your 750 before I really get a good start on mine. I bought the rear fuselage parts and some other parts. Wanted to get my garage built before jumping into the 750. Have garage under roof and plan on a nice workshop in it for the plane. bought a 172 and took lessons in it. got to solo and fly around some. good days and bad. decided to sell it and build a garage and a ch750. Using a Lyc.0-235. someday........

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