Wayne Bartlett
  • Calera, AL
  • United States
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Presently 701 Builder; Eventual 701 Driver

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Less than half
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Private Pilot
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Retired USAF/High School Teacher

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Wayne Bartlett's Blog

July 8 Progress Made on Tail Kit

Posted on July 8, 2009 at 8:27pm 0 Comments

A little more progress made today; check back shortly for slides.

The first operation I did today was to make sure that the tips of the horizontal stab's full ribs, which eminate from the rear spar and flush up against the forward spar at its ends, and the small nose rib were coplanar. The instructions have us do this by placing the assembly leading-edge down and check the three points against the flat surface of the table; I did this, and all three ribs seemed to meet the table just… Continue

July 6 Work on Tail Kit

Posted on July 7, 2009 at 9:56am 0 Comments

Lots of progress made on the horizontal stab today.

Today's progress consisted of five small but separate operations:

- Locating and drilling the horizontal stab front mount brackets

- Finishing the holes on the forward spar end brackets

- Locating and drilling holes to attach the upper and lower doubler to the rear spar

- Locating the drilling holes to attach the rear ribs to the rear spar

- Locating and drilling holes to attach the two full ribs to… Continue

July 5 Tail Construction Progress and Documentation Slide Show

Posted on July 5, 2009 at 8:30pm 1 Comment

July 5, 2009 Tail Construction.ppt

Progress continues on the tail kit over the long July 4th weekend, during which I've got lots of time to work on it.

I'm using digital photos fed into powerpoint to document, and I've attached the slide show for today's work. The large file size is a result of the many photos that are included.

I started today by laying out the… Continue

Tail Construction Continues

Posted on July 4, 2009 at 12:00pm 2 Comments

Today I made more progress on the tail.

First, I placed the upper doubler onto the horizontal stab forward spar and confirmed that the centerline mark on the doubler coincided with the centerline mark on the spar.

Then I clamped the doubler to the spar in four places, and drilled and clecoed the centerline hole.

Then I drilled the holes a good deal to each side of the doubler and clecoed those.

Then I drilled out the remaining holes through the… Continue

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At 3:43pm on July 11, 2009, Jon Croke said…
Now I am comprehending!
This is a very common situation, so this is good that you are considering it now. Whenever you are laying out rivets, your goal is to evenly space them out between your 2 endpoints. This is where a rivet fan is used, making it quick, easy and accurate. The space between each rivet will not be exactly 40, usually something less... but consistent... or - if you are trying to line up the rivets with another row that is already placed, you can make (as in this case) the last row less than the others (30mm) It is your choice, the idea is that the spacing they ask for in the plans should be the maximum spacing...
So in this case, if you use a rivet fan for an even spread, I bet the distance between the rivets will be - maybe - 38mm ? But they will be even... OR, if you want them to line up with the end ribs, then do that (40mm), and the spar rivet line will be left where it is... but not at an even 40
You are all set!
At 2:57pm on July 11, 2009, Jon Croke said…
Hi Wayne
If I understand correctly: the rivets (for the outside ribs) do NOT go at the intersection because the spar does NOT intersect the rib flange (only butts up to it) so stick with your original 40 spacing to complete the rib riveting. The rivets for the spar flange are OK as you have them laid out.. in the center of the spar.
Make sense?
At 11:33pm on July 10, 2009, Dr. Edward L. Olds III said…
Thanks for the idea, I'll give it a try. I'm having computer issues and I think I may have to upgrade or compress my photo files.
At 3:59pm on July 5, 2009, Jon Croke said…
HI Wayne,
I replayed the HT video to recall this installation... I think you may have the bracket reversed? In other words, the flange should face away from the center, so that you are beyond the 120mm mark (and thus cannot use the 120mm doubler holes) If you face the flange in this reversed direction, the bracket will never mount to the fuselage (wrong angle) Does this make sense? If we are watching the same video, you will see the brackets installed in the proper direction.
Let me know if this doesn't make sense! (or I may be misunderstanding you)
Good luck
At 6:32pm on May 30, 2009, Harry P. Land Jr. said…
Thanks for the comment our airport is just north of I-20. Stockmar airport 20ga let us know when you are coming. It is listed as Villa Rica Ga.
At 11:21am on February 22, 2009, Tommy Walker said…
Hi Wayne,
There's a guy in Calera wanting to build a 701. I gave him your name. Hope it was OK.
Did he contact you?
At 9:48pm on January 29, 2009, Jon Croke said…
Hi Wayne,
I don't sell the aircraft so I would be happy with either of the aircraft you choose... but - as a builder, I must tell you that the key points of the 750 vs the 701 is that the 750 is significantly bigger in the cabin (mostly baggage area and wider cabin) and I will estimate approx 50% savings in time and effort to complete over the 701. The reason for this the fact that the parts are mostly all pre-drilled and shaped when they arrive... not the case for the 701 as you have seen in the videos. Be sure to watch the little video on my page ("750 intro") .
I expect in the next day or two to demonstrate some more of my "findings" on this topic soon.. also check out Gus Warren (FlywithGus) blog on this site (this is where we are building and filming.)
And the pressure is ON to get these new videos done.... there are people waiting! So I will keep you abreast of progress... you can be among the first to review the final product! We hope to have the aircraft I am building ready for flight to Sun n Fun in April... a good time to take a ride! It will be here soon!

At 6:08pm on January 29, 2009, Jon Croke said…
Hi Wayne,
Another thought...
I have been recently working on filming the new CH750 for a new set of videos... I am just amazed at this aircraft from a construction standpoint... so many of the parts are pre-drilled and formed - quite a departure from the 701. I estimate that it will take about half the time to construct compared to the 701. I mention this because you mention the mechanical ability skills... it is much easier (and faster) to build because there is so much less cutting, forming, and measuring... many parts just bolt together!
This has been my initial reaction after working with both the 701 and 601...
The bottom line is that it will be easier and faster to get this aircraft finished and in the air... let me know if you have any thoughts on the 750...
Seems like a heavy punishment to make your wife watch those videos! But at least she knows what you are getting involved with!
At 10:28pm on January 28, 2009, Jon Croke said…
HI Wayne,
300 feet can be enough to land the 701 IF there is no obstruction to the approach (no trees, power lines, fences), and then only if everything is just right: the wind, your approach speed, etc. My yard is about 900' and that is plenty, and is nice to have that safety margin. So, to answer your question, yes, but everything has to be just right (and you must have practiced!) You can easily practice these landings by placing some markers (cones) on a real runway that provide the simulated boundaries for the field.
In any event, you will love the 701!
Thanks for viewing any/all videos!

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