Today I made more progress on the tail.

First, I placed the upper doubler onto the horizontal stab forward spar and confirmed that the centerline mark on the doubler coincided with the centerline mark on the spar.

Then I clamped the doubler to the spar in four places, and drilled and clecoed the centerline hole.

Then I drilled the holes a good deal to each side of the doubler and clecoed those.

Then I drilled out the remaining holes through the doubler and stab, clecoing every third hole as I went along. The below photo shows the work at this point, with all holes drilled and every third one clecoed--note that the spar is aft-side up and the top of the spar is toward the edge of the table.

Next, I drilled the two holes in the spar span which are needed to complete the four rivets that hold each of the two 7H1-6s to the spar. The other two holes that each rib needs coincides with holes already drilled in the doublers/spar.

Finally, I finished my work on the spar for today by drilling the four holes needed to mount 7H1-3, the nose rib, to the spar. None of these holes coincided with holes already drilled in the doublers/spar, so all four had to be drilled.

Putting the spar and doublers to the side for the moment, I moved to 7H2-6, the ell pieces that form the front attach brackets for the horizontal stab. Directions tell us to make a mark 35 mm from the edge of one side of the ell and 10 mm from the edge of the other side, on the other flange, draw a line from these marks to the corner, and then remove this material.

I used the sheet metal snips to make a rough cut near to the marked line, then a file to finish the piece. This ell is 0.063-inches thick, that's about the most I can manage to cut with any accuracy with the hand snips.

Making the marks and removing the material is not hard; the important thing is to make sure that when you make the second bracket, that it is made so that it is a mirror image, and not simple a duplicate, of the first one.

This photo shows my finished brackets.

That's all the time I have for today to make progress. Cleaned up, put up, and time spent today was 55 minutes.

Check back soon for updates.

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Comment by Robert Crawford on July 5, 2009 at 6:34pm
Looks pretty good Wayne, I'm working on my stabilizer also but from scratch. I have all the ribs completed and tomorrow I plan on bending the spar and the doublers and making the last of the small parts. Fun, fun, fun!!!
Comment by Tommy Walker on July 4, 2009 at 4:47pm
Looking good, Wayne!

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