Normand Lambert's Blog (7)

Building a CH750 and making modifications along the way !!!

January 12th,2017

Hi again,

Time to report back on my CH750 build. What has been done so far :

1) CH750 : stabilitor is finished but not closed. It is full symmetrical to match the symmetrical elevator.

2) CH750 : wing are done - not closed and inspecting them right now...

3) CH750 : ordered some control parts (aileron mixer) to finish the setup. Got the rudder pedals and brakes/reservoirs

4) CH750 : aileron + flap skeltons are being…


Added by Normand Lambert on January 12, 2017 at 11:32am — 4 Comments

Matco Split Rims (MH6BD.75) manufactured BEFORE 2001 - BEWARE !!!

CH701sp Flight testing - 100.6 hours since September 28th,2012

Hi Everybody,

Thru their website, I wrote to Matco tech support about the FAILURE I had with one of their product (Split Rim MH6BD.75 rated at 660lbs/rim). I had found an article in the LightAircraft 'SafetySpot' of November 2015 where A similar incident was reported. The Murphy Rebel that suffered the failure was overweight for the rims but my CH701 was NOT.

They offered no compensation…


Added by Normand Lambert on October 14, 2016 at 5:46pm — 7 Comments

Installing Hall Brothers Vortex Generator Kit (WING VGs) to the CH701 wing


Friday, September 27th,


Hi again,

After a 2 hour test flight checking the performance of the 701 wing with VGs/without Slats, I got some interesting data.

First thing I checked was the takeoff run... After a few runs, I can say that the nosewheel comes off/on at 38 mph indicated. I can pull the nosewheel off as soon as the speedo gets to 38mph which is almost the same as before with the Slats. The takeoff run seems to run the same lenght but the speed…


Added by Normand Lambert on September 29, 2013 at 10:40pm — 3 Comments

Yet another CH701 Beanie Modification !!!!


Friday March 29th,  2013 to Monday April 1st,2013


I got the 701 out again and flew around for touch and goes... Much better elevator response at all speeds but more noticeable on landings. I also like the added headroom ... I got 3.1 hours before going back in and got the Beanie pilot window installed. Requires patience but not that difficult. Don't forget to weatherproof all rivets and joints otherwise you'll love your new installed shower !!!




Added by Normand Lambert on April 3, 2013 at 10:08pm — 2 Comments

Flying in the wind !

On October 12th, 2012, I decided to go flying.

10 knots winds gusting to 21 knots.OAT 36F.

I still had to fix the slight turn to the right problem and then I would take the little bird to the sky for a spin.

I unscrewed 1 turn on the left aileron; problem fixed !

Got on board for a test flight. A Cessna C-150 (instructor/student) was doing circuit work so I asked them how the winds were....TRES SPORT, I was told. 

Lined up the runway, went to full throttle…


Added by Normand Lambert on October 13, 2012 at 9:52am — 9 Comments

How efficient are our Propellers ?


Hi again,


After I started looking at RPMs from our planes, I wanted to see if we were using their propellers efficiently.

Now, the most efficient range for any given propeller is when the TIP of the propeller turns below 82% sound barrier - but the closer the better.

Between 88% to 92% time the sound barrier speed being the redline and over being noisy and inefficient.

Since I…


Added by Normand Lambert on October 6, 2012 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

How to calculate glycol Radiator needed to cool your engine ???


This is a very interesting question, especially if your engine shows signs of overheating while inflight...

I built a CH701 and, for the engine package, I decided to go with an auto conversion done by a pro.

The engine is a Subaru EA-81 reworked to produce 105hp at 5600rpm. It came with its matched redrive and it works pretty good.

The preferred water cooler for this setup is a radiator from a diesel VW Rabbit/Golf but I was told that something else,…


Added by Normand Lambert on August 23, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments

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