Matco Split Rims (MH6BD.75) manufactured BEFORE 2001 - BEWARE !!!

CH701sp Flight testing - 100.6 hours since September 28th,2012

Hi Everybody,

Thru their website, I wrote to Matco tech support about the FAILURE I had with one of their product (Split Rim MH6BD.75 rated at 660lbs/rim). I had found an article in the LightAircraft 'SafetySpot' of November 2015 where A similar incident was reported. The Murphy Rebel that suffered the failure was overweight for the rims but my CH701 was NOT.

They offered no compensation (material/design defect) and were ready to SELL replacement parts.

This is their response :


The earlier manufacturer of MATCO mfg products used a stamped wheel half with 0.120 material.   Since 2001 when we acquired the assets, we have used a CNC spun wheel that is 0.160 thick and fully hardened.


The halves can be replaced with the new halves.  The 3 shorter bolts that hold the wheel together need to be changed to the MSC.31-18X.875SHCS.  The halves are at:


The technical manual for the MH wheels is at:


Be sure to assembled the two halves together with the 3 shorter bolts and then insert on to the hub.  Do not use the bolts to draw the wheel on to the hub as the bolt holes can be locally loaded by doing so.  The older style halves were particularly sensitive to this and not so much with the new halves.


Thank you



George R Happ


801-335-0582 801-335-0581 (F)

Technical Support Disclaimer: While we strive to ensure that the advice/information provided through our support is correct, MATCO mfg doesnot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. Any advice or information that MATCO mfg gives you via any form of communication is not a guarantee that it will correct your problem. It is only offered as assistance to you.  MATCO mfg will not be held responsible for any loss or damage as a result of our advice or information supplied.



So, If you bought your split rims model MH6BD.75 from Matco or Zenith (they were supplying those for the 701 kits)

BEFORE 2001 you may want to keep a close eye on them or maybe you SHOULD REPLACE THEM because the material used was NOT THICK enough and you may suffer the same fate I did.

I've already replaced both rims.

You can check the rim label, the manufacturing date is stamped there.

Each half rim is 79$ USD, so this will cost you 320$ USD + shipping and taxes and by the way THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS and come again...

I was lucky enough that the failure happened AFTER I just landed and I was pushing back but someone else may not be as lucky...

Please verify what you got and INSPECT those rims CAREFULLY before each flight !

Better safe than sorry !




Monday October 10th,2016

Hi All,

TODAY I REALLY HAD A CLOSE CALL. I had decided to change my tubeless nose wheel tire, which started to leak again, to a tube + tire on the rim and do an oil + filter change. So, I went to the airport, pushed the CH701 tail down and did the nose wheel swap. No problem. I also upgraded my landing light to a LED package and that also went fine.

Since I wanted to change the oil + filter, I decided to make a few circuits to warm the oil so it would be easier to takeout/replace. I proceeded to fly a couple circuits but on the 3rd one it felt as if the brakes were ON while taking off.

I came back, landed and rolled up to my hangar and shutdown the engine. As I was trying to push back the CH701 in the hangar, I realized something was wrong on the pilot side. It was as if the brake were stuck and were not letting go.

The wheel wouldn't turn ???

I pushed some more and then heard a metal chirping and a tube blowout. I had a flat tire on the pilot side !!!

I then saw it; the rim had split in pieces and punctured the tube... I had made my walk around and saw no problem with this rim/tire before my short flight...

Still looking for the cause but sure glad this didn't happen while I was landing ............

Be safe, always !



Sunday July 17th, 2016 (93 hour TTSN)

Hi All,

It's been a long time since I posted something new in this flying log. So, here it is.

Since last year, I've flown another 8 hours. Weather and other obligations kept me grounded but no more.

The 701sp is still flying well; engine, prop and airframe are all doing good. I had to change a small brake line piece (between the dual caliper disk brake) and it was a half day job. It leaked again and I will have to check it again since the pilot side brake fluid is gone. Not a big deal when you fly off grass but asphalt runways dont stop the plane as quickly...

I'm coming to my first 100 hour maintenance and getting ready to perform it. Engine oil and filter change. Complete visual check of the engine bay and controls. So far, very pleased with the performance of the aircraft in general. If I wasn't building a CH750, I would replace the STAB/elevator to the symmetrical type to gain some speed and to keep my fingers 'wet' (building something...).

I did a few 80-100mile legs in scorching weather (30celcius+) and the plane stats stayed GREEN at all times. The fuel consumption is 6.2g/hr at WOT and it goes down to 5.4g/hr at economical 80% cruise. Speed at WOT is 87mph and around 75mph at 80% throttle. Not blazing speed but fast enough to go somewhere.

If I fly at WOT for extended periods, the oil temp goes to 185-190 and the glycol goes to 85C (185F). In normal cruise, oil temp is between 165-180F and glycol is 165-175F. Very refreshing !!!

If I could change something, I would use the CH750 fuel cells (12gals) instead of the 10gals that I got or add a medium header tank for added range.

Otherwise, dont touch it if it aint broken !!!

Till next time, Fly High, Fly safe !



Saturday July 11th,2015

On friday, I had talked with Robert W who owns a Bushcaddy R-120 and we had decided to fly together to St-André Avellin fly-in. I would try to follow him in his plane with the 701. His plane being a little faster than mine, I would take off first and he would follow, then pass me and I would follow. Since I wasn't sure my mixture adjustment was fine, I asked that he waited for my OK to takeoff. If the problem was still there, I would catch a ride with him.

I took off around 09h00 and circled the field at WOT and everything was LOW GREEN !!! YES ! 

Told him to go for it while I turned to the GPS route to our destination. It took 1h20 minutes to get there and I arrived 5 minutes later than him; I entered the pattern just in time to see him land. I was fourth inline to land and parked down the lane.

I got breakfast, met a bunch of interesting enthusiasts. We roamed around looking at other planes..I forgot to take pictures ! It was then time to get back. Last year, I had André drive me to town to get a 5 gal of gas, this year I didn't.

Well, that wasn't my best idea ever; both tanks were showing half full which meant I had another 1h30 minutes of fuel left... That was supposed to be enough since we had a headwind coming, it would be a tailwind going back.

15 minutes into the flight, left tanks is showing empty ! Right tank still showing half full ??? Is the gauge working - it hasn't moved since I departed ?  Will I have enough to get back ? The route to get back has no airport close and it is wooded hills everywhere... So, I throttled back as much as I could but with the tailwind I was still making 85mh groundspeed ! Finally, got to Lac Agile where Robert W just landed. I called in 'Straight in from right base to final'.

He said 'Norm, Is this proper procedure ???' I responded that as far as my fuel was concerned, it was ! 

I landed, parked the 701 and got out HAPPY ! I don't know how much fuel was left in that right tank but it was still showing 1/3 left which would be 3-4 gallons of fuel... Too close for comfort.

Next time I go, I will top off both tanks starting with the right one and calculate how much fuel was used/left.

The ride back was bumpier; weather was hot and humid (32C), winds had picked up but the Subaru did it all without a sweat. Everything stayed LOW GREEN all the way. Just loved this.

By the way, the repitched propeller makes it easy to cruise between 4200-4600 (80-85mph) while WOT will give 90-95mph.

Till next time, Fly high, Fly safe !



Friday, July 10th 2015.

Only trouble with grass is that over time, it will GROW ! So, I got to the airport and did the lawnmower thing for a while.

Bought a second hand mower to keep at the airport. Bought it with two other pilots so we'll share the mower and keep it in a hangar away from rain and snow.  

When I was done, it was still nice, I decided to make a short flight to make sure everything was in order. Took off with the intention to go to Mascouche municipal airport and back. As soon as I got to altitude I realized something was wrong. Coolant temperature was higher than usual; 95-100 instead of the normal 80 even at full throttle climbing.

Throttled back and the water temp went down, throttled up and the coolant temp went up again...Hum, time to turn back to Lac Agile for a fast inspection. Landed and parked the CH701, undid the cowling and checked the engine oil.

No problem there. Checked the coolant overflow bottle; very hot. Couple weeks ago, I had adjusted the mixture cable so that full stop would kill the engine but in so doing, the mixture at WOT was too lean causing the engine to heat up.

So, I adjusted the mixture cable again giving the rich side more play. I tied down the 701 and ran the engine at WOT for awhile. Back to normal !

Good, tomorrow morning 8h30-9h00, I 'm supposed to have breakfast in Montebello (St-André Avellin) and join a bunch

of friends at their fly-in.

We'll see..

Fly high, Fly safe !



Saturday July 04th.

Beloeil municipal airport has a new resto and to promote its opening, they arranged for a RVA on location !

Again, decided to join in and took off for Beloeil for a breakfast flight. Took 0.5 hour and got there early. Nice people,

smiling faces, some airplanes (early birds !!!) and very nice food at an affordable price. Service was perfect. 

I saw the Antanov fly off a couple of times; it is SOOOO BIG ! Too many wings for my taste but very enjoyable. I got back to Lac Agile after a quick stop in Mascouche . Parked and I was done ! 

Since we have repitched the propeller, the engine RPM has come down at WOT to 5100 which is where it should be. The top speed straight and level is around 90mph and 4400 engine RPM amount to 80-83 mph cruise speed.

The climb rate has suffered somewhat but 150 feet/min less than it used to be wont make me change this setting.

Before, the pitch was set at 13,5deg and it is now set to 15deg taken at 8 inch from the blade tip of the 3 blade 70inch Warpdrive.

I like the setup and the numbers I now get. It will stay that way for now and we will reevaluate it later.   

 Fly high, Fly safe.



Friday July 03rd.

Flying back and forth from Sherbrooke RVA made we realize that I needed to repitch that propeller. The engine is turning too fast... Went to the airport with the Warpdrive protractor and tools to do the job. I had never did it myself but assisted while René did it two years ago. 

I unscrewed the spinner, took the top cowling off and proceeded to unscrew the blade bolts. Installed the protractor and tried turning the blade to its new position. Not working !!! Called in Patrice (done it so many times) for advice. He told me I had to unscrew the Hub screws for the blades to go free. It did the trick. I setup the first blade and proceeded to torque back the blades bolts when disaster struck !. The bolt broke off  !  ARG !!!!!  Another call to Patrice that asked how much pressure was put on the bolt ??? I said 'not even 50 pounds foot !'

Well, he said : 'it is 120 INCH foot you have to apply' and that is 10 foot pounds....Darn, I screwed up bad and now I'm grounded because I dont have a replacement bolt... Patrice checked his stock and found a replacement. He got into his car and joined me to finish up the job. NOW, I KNOW how to repitch a Warpdrive propeller !

Thanks to him, tomorrow I will attend the Beloeil RVA. Thanks Patrice, you saved my neck!

Fly high, Fly safe.



Saturday, June 27th.

In Quebec, the biggest airmen meeting is held each year at the Sherbrooke municipal airport. Often, the weather of that particular weekend prevents pilots from going; bad luck I guess. This year, the saturday was bright and sunny and I had decided that if it was, I was going. So, early saturday morning I got to the airport, checked everything, and was on my way. I had decided on taking a detour to clear controled zones, parachutist drops and sailplane drops. It took 1.7 hour to get from CSA2 to CYSC via St-Hyacinthe but the flight was very pleasant. I flew at 4000-4500 feet most of the time and at 100% power which consumed 6.5g/hr at 5400rpm (engine). 

I was doing 80-85 mph most of the time. I got there, met Nick Heinz, saw a few CH701s and CH750s. I went for lunch which took 2 hours (way toooo many people for the resto!!!). Meal was good but it really took too long. I walked along the parked airplanes... and checked quite a few nice birds.

Came back to CSA2 around 16h30  after 1.4 hour flight. Both ways, the Subaru engine instruments showed LOW GREEN which was interesting since I ran the little engine 100% power most of the time. Actually, the engine rebuilder told me that the maximum engine RPM should be around 4800 but mine was running 5400rpm so I guess it's time to repitch that propeller...

Fly high, Fly safe.



Thursday + Friday June 25th,26th. 

Since our Mascouche airport is shutting down next year, I decided to move out before everybody else does. Time to move the amphibious floats and the CH701sp to its new homebase. With the help of Robert W, we managed to get my floats on his trailer and delivered them unharmed to CSA2 (Lac Agile airport). It was then time to fly the plane off up there. I got onboard, did my checklist and flew the 15 minutes hop to my new airport. Easy landing and straight to my parking spot. Thanks to Robert W, it went smoothly and fast. 

Fly High, fly safe



Sunday June 14th, 2015.

I went back to the airport but this time brought a second pair of hands to help. My better half, which helped me build the CH701sp from the start, decided I REALLY needed help...and I did ! So, got to the 701, lowered its tail and tied it down. Removed the nosegear post and undid the first reinforcement plate. I had bought longer drill bits so I could drive the bit thru the passenger side U channel side into the pilot side. This I had to do because there was no way I could drill holes in the U channel from the pilot side. After we did those holes, we reinstalled the 2 plates with AN-3 bolts to the U channel and thru the firewall. 

This was not done because of the Viking Steel bungee but rather to beef up the flimsy U channel from edition #4 plans. We then installed the 2 side straps and then the nosegear post. Finally, we added the top aluminum part of the Steel bungee and the nuts to the straps. Reinstalled the control rods and the lower pivot plate.

Some time ago, I ordered a neat little addon, a propeller savior in the shape of a steel donut that mounts firmly to the nosegear post in a spot where, if the bungee gave up, it would stop the propeller from hitting the ground. So, that too was installed. Also, my annual inspection revealed a broken clip on the oil radiator. That also got fixed.

I can say that the Viking Steel bungee is really neat. If you have a CH701sp (edition#5 and up), it will install faster than mine. No holes or reinforcement to do or add. But remember, you're playing BEHIND the engine and with all the stuff on the firewall and around the toughest task might just be to get to the nosegear post and bungee !!!

Work at it slowly and if you can unmount the nosegear post from the plane. This way you'll gain some room to work around. Expect to do the upgrade in around 7 hours or so, depending on how much help you get and how your firewall is cluttered.

I test flew the CH701sp for a quick hop afterwards and it was just as nice as before; I have spring loaded control rods to the nosegear so that was never hard to use.

Hope this report helps you. For me, one less worry with the old bungee cord.




Monday, June 1st,2015

When I left last saturday (04H30), I had installed 1 reinforcement plate and drilled new bungee pin holes higher than the ones that were called for by my plans. I did not know how much higher that new bungee pin hole should be at the time but I figured a good 2 inches would do. I also made the hole further away from the bottom of the U channel than teh original hole. I didn't try to see if the new bungee pin hole location made the pin interfere with the nosegear post at the time. 

So I decided to make a quick trip to th 701 and check out how much higher the new hole was and if the pin would interfere with the nosegear post in its new location. Got to the airport, undid top/bottom cowling and measured the distance between the bottom of the U channel and the new hole...150mm !!! That will do !

I also tried the pin in its new location and no interference problem with the nose gear post. I put back the cowling and came back home happy! Next time, finish the Steel bungee installation for good !




May 29th, 2015

I went to the airport to install the Viking Steel Bungee. Started around noon and worked my way into some problems...

Basically, the flat retainer straps from Viking are not long enough and the holes where the bungee retaining pin (7F7-6) should go thru dont line up.


I read the installation instructions and decided I would copy what was done. It seemed to work well and I didn't want to reinvent the wheel. So, I got to the airport and since I knew I needed electricity to complete the task, I moved the 701 next to the pilot association office (electrical outlet nearby). I had already asked permission to park the plane there while doing the upgrade and was told I could as long as I was gone by days end. 

No problem, 3 hours upgrade and I'm gone ! Since it was a beautiful day, I tought I could do the upgrade and then go for a good 2 hour (or more) flight. Do some touch and goes to get the feel for the Steel Bungee and adjust it properly. 

12h00 noon friday.

So, after I pulled the plane out of its parking spot, I parked it next to the hangar outside. I removed the top cowling and

got ready to go to work... Immediately realized that the coolant expansion bottle would have to be removed out of the way (3 x AN3 bolts).

When I constructed my 701 there were reports of 7F7-7 (upper horizontal tray) failing under loads from the nosegear post. To remedy this potential problem, I had decided on adding triangular aluminum reinforcement top and bottom of the tray.

The top ones would have to go; they interfered with the top aluminum part of the steel Bungee. After that was done, I removed the top plate holding the post (soldered end of the post). Doing this while the post is in the plane is very difficult because the post end sits against the firewall where a lot of stuff is located. I tried the way the instructions explained it but figured it was better to remove the nosegear post altogether and work on it away from the plane.

So, I lowered the tail of the plane and held it using the tiedown and a large nylon strap. I undid the bottom cowling, cut the old bungee cord, undid the rudder pedal rods, undid the bottom bearing plate and out went the nosegear post.

The 701 now has its nose up, its tail tied down to the ground and no nosegear. I finished cutting the top soldered end with a buffer and sanded the post end smooth. I tried inserting the Steel bungee inside the post... It is a well machined part and a very tight fit so if your post is somewhat old you might have to fight to get it in there. I did. 

I then made the 2 holes in the top tray to get the side braces thru it. Easy when nothing is around. But after passing the straps thru the top horizontal tray, I realized they were not long enough to get to the bungee pin hole 7F7-6. Also, if I tried to line up the pin hole with the strap hole they would not line up either. To line up the holes, I sanded the strap flat on one side until both holes lined up. The rounded edge would be flat on one side of the strap, no big deal enough material is left to sustain the forces of the landing loads.  Still, the straps were NOT LONG ENOUGH and that I could not fix.

Now, it is 20h30 - friday and there is no way for me to fix this onsite. The plane can't be rolled back to its parking spot without a nosegear.

There are only two ways to fix this :

1) I get a new set of LONGER straps from Viking and install them. This means figuring out a way to put back the nosegear and push back the 701 to its parking. Wait for Viking to have the part made, shipped and install them.

2) Make a new hole for the bungee pin higher than the one already there and use the straps provided.

I decided on option #2. Packed up my tools, went home to get an air driven elbow drill (small), a compressor, a pair of flood lights (construction site). Since I knew the U channel to be prone to buckling under harsh landing, I decided to make 2 reinforcement plates to add to the 7F7-2 U channel sides and decided to check my plans to see if the location of my bungee pin was wrong...

I checked my plans (version 4 - 06/2001) and they show the bungee pin hole at 95mm from bottom of 7F7-2. If I install the 2 straps, they are not long enough to get the top part of the steel bungee. They dont protrude up through the horizontal 7F7-7SP as in the instructions photos.

Shaw Megin reported that from his CH701 plans, dated 2006, the bungee retainer pin is located at 160mm from bottom of 7F7-2. This means that the bungee straps provided by Viking are TOO SHORT for any CH701/CH701sp constructed with plan prior to 2006. In fact, the straps are 65mm (2 inch 5/8) too short. Also, the hole in the U channel is located 19 mm from the U bottom (3/4 inch) but the hole in the strap is almost 1 inch from its side so they dont lineup.

I suspect that the hole in the U channel for the retaining bungee pin was also moved outward and the U channel 7F7-2 sides were lenghten and the thickness also changed to reinforce this part in later edition plans.

I went back to the airport (00h30 -saturday morning) and started the installation of the first reinforcement (passenger side) plate and made the new bungee pin hole higher. When I tried installing the second reinforcement plate (pilot side) I figured there was no way I could do it from the pilot side because of all the stuff located there. I would have to take out the first plate and drill the hole on the pilot side of the U channel thru the passenger side holes. it is now 03h30 - saturday morning. 

I am outside and RAIN starts falling. A flash storm came and lasted 5 minutes during which I ran to get my tools back in the truck... I was doing this 3 hour upgrade outside in the sun... Finally, I gave up. I reinstalled the nosegear post and wheel without any bungee. I reinstalled the cowling and pushed back the plane to its parking spot. Went back home at 05h00 - saturday morning.

So, my observation :

a) the Steel bungee lower part (goes into the gear post) fits very tightly into the post. It could be made with a small amount of play to make it easier to slide it down the gear post. 

b) if, like me, you have a crowdy firewall, take the nosegear post off the plane and work on it. When drilling, sanding or buffing it is much easier.

c) check your plan, make sure where the bungee pin is located (95mm or 160mm from bottom 7F7-2) and be ready to either make a new bungee pin hole or order longer Steel bungee straps.

d) DON'T do this outside, get yourself a hangar space (my airport has no hangar to rent) for as long as you need it !!!

e) learn about Murphy's law !

The plane is out of service, I still have to undo the first reinforcement plate to install the second one, reinstall the first one, install the Steel bungee and reconnect the rudder pedal rods before I can go back flying.



Weeks of October 10th to October 24th.

My 701 started life in 1999 and went thru lots of mods but some of the stuff in there is 12-14 years old even if it didn't fly until 2 years ago. Such is the case for the bungee being used today. So, I became concerned that it could fail on landing. When I chose the propeller, I made sure that if the tire went flat,the propeller would never touch the ground BUT I never tought of the bungee giving way ??? So, when Jan at Viking came out with the new VIKING STEEL BUNGEE, I knew I had to get one... and so I did !

It hasn't been shipped yet but my order will ship on November 15th being in the first 25 batch...Problem fixed for good !

When I do install it, I will write up a report and post it here.


I did order the 2 maingear tires to finish the required change over but instead of the Carlisle Turf Glide (tundra tire),

I ordered the OVERSIZED Air Classic tundra tire (21/8.00x6). They arrived the next day they were ordered !

I still have to install them but the current weather (crappy!) and the fact that I work outside (no hangar - yet !) has prevented me from doing the switch over.


I did finish to install the wing fences to the 701 wing and cut those unwanted brackets. I had to make new aluminum plates and, for that, I went to a friend's hangar to the Lachute airport. Upon arriving on site, I saw parked near the hangar a yellow CH701 !

A quick run around inspection revealed a very 'stock' 701 ; slats, no wing VGs, no Elevator VGs, Jabiru 80hp...

I already talked briefly to the owner to exchange flight data and characteristics. We'll exchange rides and compare notes soon... I'll let you know.


I did manage to get to the airport and fly 2 hours in the last 2 weeks .Weather has been terrible with rain, winds and gusts always present. It gave me time to order and receive a new nose wheel tire to replace my leaky one. The tires I got (3 Turf Carlisle Glide 800x6) were ordered in 2002 and finally started flying in 2012-2013. By then, they were cracked and felt more like plastic than rubber.

When I bought them, they came with tubes but since then, Matco has come out with a tubeless kit for their rims. I ordered 4 of those and installed one in the nosegear tire because of a previous flat tire where the tire rolled on the rim and cut the valve off the tube on landing. Since then, the nosegear tire always leaked some and I kept adding air to the tire... It became more and more frustrating so I decided to order a new tire, take the wheel off the 701 and replace the tire.

I took 15 minutes to get the tire/rim/axle off the fork and a couple hours to dismount/mount the new tire on the rim. This time, I used SILICONE to join both rim halves (dont be shy - apply as much as you see fit) and then used the O-ring provided in the tubeless kit to seal the rim. I put air in the tire and it hasn't leaked so far ! Another trip to the airport and the rim was back on the 701. Ready for action.




Friday September 26th,2014.

Took friday off to go to the airport for some flying time. Met Patrice (he has a CH250) and helped him check out his

firewall insulation job, nicely done. Ran his engine without the cowling to check for any leak. None found. We proceeded to takeoff, do a circuit and came back down to recheck every hose (oil, gas) and all electrical connections.

Eveything in order, let's go flying to Sorel municipal airport for lunch and then proceed to St-Hiacynthe, followed by Beloeil airport and back to homebase. Well I took off first and Patrice joined me (his bird does 160mph) but he was still having cockpit high temps (sauna like) so he decided to go back to Mascouche to be safe. I then proceeded to Sorel where I had a very good lunch followed by a chat with André Philippot and then back to Mascouche.

Nice day, a little foggy but calm winds and nice 26C outside temp. Is this HEAVEN on earth ???




Friday, September 19th,2014.

Took friday off to go to the airport for some flying time. I had decided to go to Trois-Rivieres regional aiport for lunch and go to the Lac Agile nearby airport for a quick survey. As soon as I arrived, Hugues (new Cherokee fractional owner) came up to chat. His flight instructor joined us and we went to see the Cherokee one more time. Looked over the books and the instructor looked up the Cherokee instruments and accomodations. After they departed, I decided to fly to Sorel municipal airport (closer) for lunch as it was getting late and I was getting hungry. I took off and flew direct to Sorel. Convection and winds were tossing the 701 all over the place but we still managed to get down in one piece.

I went to the airport resto to find it CLOSED for the day ! DARN ! I decided to survey the brand new hangars and found guys building one. I discussed with them the costs and benefits and left. On my way back to the 701, I met André Filippot which I knew from RAA Chapter 415 and we checked out his Jodel. He has installed Stolspeed VGs on his Jodel (wooden homebuilt) and told me that 'it is a NEW aircraft'. All around flight characteristics are improved and he just loves it !  

We went back to the 701 and discussed its features: propeller, engine, VGs, flight envelope... I was there almost 1.5 hour. It was very nice chatting with an old/knoweldgeable pilot (57years flying) ...

I decided not to fly to Trois-Rivieres as it was getting late and I had souper reservations. So I flew right back to Mascouche municipal airport. I encountered lots of turbulence (due to convection) on my way back which worried me somewhat but the 701 took the tossing as the big boys and didn't mind any of it. I'm still not used to flying such a lite weight aircraft so I tend to worry too much. Nevertheless, we made it safe and sound and we landed like always nicve and slow. 

As soon as I got the 701 parked, another pilot from a nearby C-150 came over to chat with the usual questions...And again, told me that my engine sounded real nice...

THAT'S what I call A GOOD DAY  !!! Just love this. 

Fly high, fly safe !



Wednesday September 10th,2014

Since I had to get the lawnmower to the airport, I decided to take the afternoon off, get the lawn done and squeeze a little flight in. I still had my share on the old girl for sale (Cherokee 160hp - 1961) and I tought I could also arrange a demo flight for a perspective buyer.

I got the lawn done, got my Cherokee demo flight done and did a couple touch and goes with the 701.

1.5 hour of flying (1.1 hour with the Cherokee and 0.4 hour with 701)

Looks like my share on the old girl is sold also... Pinched my heart to see her go... Loved that old girl !

Such is life, win some, loose some.

Bleue skies !



Wednesday, September 03rd,2014

Went to the airport, did a quick pre-flight check and went night flying. While doing takeoffs/landings, pilots in the circuit decided to switch runways (noise abatement). Well, that wasn't such a good idea; landing downwind with 10 knots winds pushing you is not fun ! Still, I fought my way back twice to the ground before we decided to switch runways again. The 701 took this pretty good but I had to fight the winds down to the ground !

On the first landing, while fighting the downwind drafts, I forgot to look away to ascertain my altitude and slammed the 701 on the ground nose high ! Outch ! Pretty tough little bird this 701 !

Did 1h20 of circuit work... I 'feel' the 701 now more than I fly it!  Just LOVE THIS !!!


Fly high, fly safe.




Monday, September 1st,2014

September 1st being a holiday here, I decided to go for a spin. After a quick check and refuel, I got the 701 in the air for 1h20 of touch and goes. Trying to liftoff as fast as possible and land as short as could be. That's fine tuning your skills ! The 701 really flies well and I'm getting used to the plane reactions. 

Every time I land, someone comes up and comments/inquires on the short take off run, the angle at which the 701 gains altitude and of course, the nice sounding engine ! 

I haven't seen another 701 flying yet so I don't know how mine fairs in all of this but nonetheless, I just love it.




Friday, August 29th,2014.

Back to the airport for some more testing.When I arrived, one of my buddies, who flies our Cherokee, was getting ready for a small local flight. He took off while I was refueling the 701 and I decided to follow him on his tour. I took off and caught with him while he was surveying the St-Laurence waterway.

We then proceeded to fly formation. The Cherokee is way too fast for the 701 but it can be slowed down to 90-100mph and the 701 flying full throttle...Can fly at 90-95 mph !!! That I didn't know !!! Truly, I never flew the 701 at full throttle on a straight and level flight...I was surprised to see 95 mph indicated !!! Wow...

The Cherokee landed and I then proceeded to practice dead stick landings. It is not as easy as I tought it would be. The first time, I didn't make it back all the way to the landing strip; I ran out of altitude/speed. I had to give some throttle to horse the 701 to the landing strip. The second time around, I made it back but I came in slow so the 701 landed hard on its main. Not enough to bend anything but still hard enough for me to notice it.

The third time, I got it fine... Still, the 701 is no floater !  Even the Cherokee floats better ! I guess, you just have to get used to it. You'd think that because it takes off in a hurry and lands really short, It would glide well ! Not so.

Anyway, that's really FUN !  You've got to fly this thing till it feels right !

Getting there after 60 hours, that's nice !

Until next time, Fly safe.



 Wednesday August 27th 2014

Since weather was nice, I decided to go for some night flying around the airport. I did a bunch of takeoffs and landings in all sorts of configuration to test the CH701 capabilities. I toughtr I had the plane well figured out but...Not so !

You can lift off so short, It still surprise me. Landing full flap requires a good amount of stick force and be ready to push the nose of the aircraft down seriously !

All in good fun !




Saturday, July 12th,2014


Last year I was going to attend St-Andre Avelin AeroMeeting with the CH701 (first meet ever with the 701) but had

to use the Cherokee instead because of a faulty water pump (Glycol).


This year, I was going again but this time the CH701 would get me there and back.


Only problem, I had no top cowl...No problem, just put the old back even without paint and primer.

Did just that and flew away and back !

It was my first real destination and my first long distance flight. So, armed with my Ipadmini and Foreflight, off I went.

It took 1.6 hour to make the 95NM trip at 70-80 miles/hr.

What a nice trip; good weather, almost no wind. I flew at 1200-2500ft at between 4600-5000rpm (engine),

all temps were right in the middle green (oil, glycol, cylinder and exhaust).

I was a little worried at first because outside temp was around 30C and I tought that the engine would suffer from it. NOT SO !

IMPRESSED but NOT SURPRISED. This engine/redrive/propellor/AeroInjector combo is FLAWLESSY RELIABLE.

I JUST LOVE IT ! Mind you, I'm not selling anything BUT this is just too good not to bragg about it !


When I arrived at the meeting, two guys came up to me and inquired about the nice sounding engine.

They had no clue what type engine it could be. After discussing the matter with them, they left in disbelief !

I told them : 'check the 701  on my way out, you'll see how strong it is'.

Around here there aren't very many 701/750 so everytime I prepare for a flight or I land somewhere, there is

always someone eager to know !

Anyway, I had breakfast and then left for the trip back...Uneventfull also. I parked the 701 back and left for

home HAPPY !

1.6 hour to go and 1.2 hour to comeback. I checked the fuel burn and averaged 4.8 to 5gph.

I have to thank Andre Levesque (from this site) which got me some fuel: since it was my first long distance

flight, I wanted to top off the tanks before returning. Thanks for the help, it made my return trip worry free !

Also nice to put a face on a keyboard friend/pilot !

I JUST LOVE THIS PLANE !....Did I say that ???

Fly High, Fly safe !




Friday July 11th 2014.


After sanding off all putty, I used epoxy (20mins) mixed with microballoon to fill all the gaps left by removing the putty.

I couldn't sand the epoxy/microballoon right away because it had to harden first.

Waiting, waiting, waiting....


Fly high, Fly safe !






Wednesday July 09th,2014.


Back to the airport but this time to replace the beacon light bulb on the Cherokee.

I had seen some bubbles under the top cowl paint of the CH701 and decided to have a look. After peeling off some paint where the hump is located, I found out the surfacing putty does not go well with engine vibration of an aircraft. So I decided to take the top cowl back home to sand the paint down and remove all putty and replace it with microballoon.


Till next time, Fly high, fly safe !






Monday, June 30th,2014

Once again to the airport ! This time just wanted to fly !!! So, I did. Another 55 minutes of trying the flaps setup on landings. This is too much fun to be legal !!! I replaced the carburator heat wire swivel and checked its operation.

I still have some fine tuning on the aileron control to do but I can live with it. 

All in all, it was a fun evening and I can say that piloting the 701 feels better every time I go back.

Until next time,

Fly high, fly safe.



Friday June 27th, 2014

Went back to the airport for some more work on the 701... First, after replacing the throttle cable, I discovered that the mixture control wouldn't kill the engine if pulled all the way in. So, took the top cowling off the plane and adjusted the mixture properly. I can now use the mixture to kill the engine or slow it down to about 1000 rpm ( less than 500 propeller rpm). That was the easy part !
Next, being at 49.3 hours old on the Hobbs, I wanted to do an oil and filter change. So, I took off the bottom cowling, unscrewed the oil filter and replaced it. Next I checked the oil lines and oil cooler fittings and brackets. I found that the pilot side bracket, which had failed last year, failed again ! I decided to take it out and modify its design.

Well, that was easier said than done !!! The oil cooler sits half an inch behind the radiator and isn't easy to get to...Especially if you have BIG HANDS like I do !!! After trying to get in there for two hours, I decided that undoing the radiator and pulling it away was the only way in there. Still, I couldn't hold the radiator away with one hand and mount the new bracket with TWO other hands !!!!
Four hours into this, a fellow pilot came by (after parking his plane) and asked me if I needed help... I was DYING out there !!! THANKS GOD for the helping hand. It took all of 15 minutes to mount the oil cooler bracket, oil cooler and oil lines back in after this very welcome help from above !

I put back the radiator and managed to finally change the oil... Ran the engine to operating temperature and rechecked the oil. Everything was nice and cool. I put back the cowling and it was time to go. Took all of 8 hours to do !
I really didn't expect it to take that long but replacing the bracket just took forever. I also managed to wash the 701 belly and took a nap while doing so !

I still have to replace an oil line that is leaking a drop here and there but that is a simple thing for next time...

FLy high,. Fly safe !



Thursday June 26th 2014

Spent all day undoing the throttle cable and replacing it ! From the first flight, the throttle cable was gripping and I tought that grease and wear would get rid of the problem but it didn't. So, I went ahead and changed it. I had to undo the center console to unscrew the throttle lever from the cable. It is now done and works marvellous !

I went for a 2 hour flight and enjoyed the smooth controls. I did realize that I have to fine tune the mixture and throttle somewhat. Something to do next ....


Fly high, Fly safe !


Wednesday May 14th 2014

Flying season is almost here (weather permitting) and with flying comes tweaking ....

So there it is, I have a question ...

Instead of the center stick in my CH701, I installed twin control sticks (each side) and it works well with my center

console. But, there is a catch which I didn't anticipate : when the center stick is used there is a lot of travel movement

available for the aileron (sideway movement) since nothing is in the way.

When using the twin sticks you end up hitting your knees from both sides. This, in turn, limits the up/down aileron movements and your ability to turn in a hurry.Coordinating the turns with rudder helps but I'm used to a crisper response from other planes...

So, my question here for all is : What did you do to regain full travel movement for the ailerons after you installed the twin sticks mod - Or did you just live with it ???

On my CH701, I find the aileron response to be sluggish at best...

Thanks for any input...


Fly high, Fly safe !


Friday March 07th,2014


It was 5 months ago that I last flew the 701 but today was so nice, I couldn't resist anymore. So, I packed everything I tought I could need and off I went to the airport. The 701 was waiting snow free under its covers.

I took them off and stored them in the truck and then proceeded to pull the 701 out of its snow patch.

Not so easy, 700 lbs of metal, fiberglass and fuel isn't easy to pull when you're standing on ICE !

Anyway, I finally managed to get it on the taxiway, plugged in my booster pack and checked all controls to make sure everything was in order. I then started the engine; it came on after two flips of the propeller but was turning rough for a while. I guess sitting there for a long period will do that to any engine.

After 10 minutes, I stopped the engine, removed the booster pack, restarted the engine and proceeded to the runup position. After a good runup checking both ignitions and controls, I lined up the runway and off we went.

It was as if I had never stopped flying; the 701 was flying like a sick angel, there was almost no wind and no clouds.


At that time, I tought "LIFE IS GOOD" with my SkyJeep grin !


I did 1.2 hour of takeoff and landings and didn't even bounce the 701 (that much !!!). Freezing feet reminded me that it was still winter and that I had another 1/2 hour of work to put the 701 back in its parking spot so, I decided that it was enough for the day.


I'm getting ready for some modifications as soon as the weather goes 10+.

Fly high, fly safe.






Saturday October 5th,2013


Once again to the airport. This time with my better half to see the fall colors from up above. Quick checked of the 701 and then go flying. We went up to 2500ft and straight North. It was about time for the colors; lots of trees had already  shed their leaves ! It was nice and cool. We went up to Rawdon, then to the St-Lawrence and back to the airport for a picture perfect landing. Flying near Gross Weight makes the 701 less bumpy in the wind and gusts. I had the chance to try the VGs at near GW and they performed very well. The landing was smooth with no bumps even in the crosswind.

I just love this thing ! All the engine gauges were in the lower Green and the temps were also there. Nice !

That's it for now !

Fly high, fly safe !





Wednesday, October 2nd,2013


Went back to the airport, filled the tanks and went out for some night flying. Winds were gusting all day from 20km/h to 40 km/h and supposed to fade away in the evening hours... Not so! Crosswind gusts at night aren't that much fun !!! Nothing the 701 couldn't handle but since I had a long day and just wanted to take a relaxing flight...that wasn't going to be...

I did some circuit work and found the 701 easier to land than before (getting used to ???) with the Slats. It landed light as a feather with no bounce each time. I had to keep some power until touchdown because of the crosswind but nevertheless did beautiful nose high landings each time.

Every thing worked flawlessly with no snags !

Fly high, fly safe !





Friday, September 27th,2013

I went to the airport for some flight testing but prior to flying, I had to correct some nagging problems. First, both fuel gauges stopped working at the same time. I taught that when I installed the night lightning, I disturbed some ground leads and that's why they stopped. Second, the Hobbs meter stopped working. None of those bugs were a big deal but I like my plane to be TOP SHAPE so these bugs had to be fixed before any flying could take place.

I took out the engine gauge subpanel and checked the 12V lead to the Hobbs; I had juice. Most probably the oil pressure switch, that grounds itself when the pressure goes up, had to be defective or the ground lead came loose. That required taking the cowling off the plane. I found the pilot side oil cooler bracket had broken off and since the oil pressure switch was mounted on it, it wasn't making a good ground anymore. I replaced the bracket with a sturdier one and got the cowling back on.

I checked the 12V input to the fuel gauges and found nothing ! After checking the connections, I found that the 1 amp breaker became defective ! I replaced it and reinstalled the subpanel.


Lesson of the day : always a good reason for something failing. FIND IT and FIX IT !


I topped off the fuel tanks and went for a 2 hour test flight. Everything worked just fine. All gauges were in the GREEN and the weather was perfect with no winds and 23C outside temp. 41 hours and kicking !


What a nice day !

Fly high, Fly safe!



Friday, September 20th,2013

Hi everybody,

After installing wing VGs and removing the Slats, I went for a short test flight to experiment with the change.

I was solo with full fuel. It was almost a month since I last flew the 701 but the EA-81 started at the first

flip of the propeller. Gee, I just LOVE that engine! Pushed the throttle and taxied to the runup position.

Did a quick runup, everything in order. Lined up the runway and floored the juice !

First thing I remarked was the nose came up quicker than usual; it came up almost instantly. I kept the nosewheel up with ease and VERY soon the mains felt light ! Pulled gently on the stick and ...airborne !!! 

Left the 701 build speed then pulled some more...Soon, I was doing 600fpm at 60mph and not even forcing it! 

I usually do 550-600fpm at 52mph ...This is better !  Leveled at 1500ft and this thing is doing 85mph and keeps going!!!
I came back on the power 5300rpm, 4900rpm, 4500rpm, 4200rpm and I'm still doing 70mph !

I checked all the gauges and everything in the GREEN ...I like the trend !!!

Checked lateral control... Not much change there ! Time to come back down...Just as I was having FUN !!!

Lined up the runway on final and throttled back...Usually I keep power until touchdown, this time I had to go to IDLE and the speed wasn't even bleeding !!! That's a change !

Touched down on the mains (light as a feather!!!) and pulled the stick all the way ! I was able to keep the nosewheel up almost till the end of the rollout ! Actually, the nosewheel came down by itself around 38mph indicated.


Since, I was on the nose heavy side, removing the Slats (forward of CofG) helped somewhat and the weight saving is alway a bonus. From what I see, the Slats only helped with Extreme STOL performance...Something I don't practice much. For me, the VGs make more sense; They're lighter, they help with slow flight control and are less draggy.

They may not be as good with the Extreme STOL but I can live with that.


I am now 39 hours in flight testing and I can tell you this : this little bird is ADDICTIVE !!!

I just LOVE IT  and you will too.

Fly high, Fly safe !







Saturday August 24th.


Went to the airport with my better half. Checked the 701 and went for a short hop to make sure everything was fine. Nice warm (25C) weather and calm winds. Time to get Cloclo up for a flight in the plane she helped me build !

Took off and turned toward the east. The 701 behaved beautifully even at Gross Weight (full tanks, 2 persons) the plane was easy to control, had a very nice rate of climb (probably due to the fact we repitched the WarpDrive to get the max engine RPM down around 4900 static) and cruised at 80mph with ease.


Checked all gauges and everything was just PERFECT : 54 psi (oil pressure) , 175 oil temp. Water temp 75.

EGT 1475, CHT  280.


We flew for 0.5 hour and came back to land. She found the 701 much smaller than the Cherokee and quicker on the controls. All in all, she said she liked it !

Life is good ...sometimes !

Fly high, Fly safe






Monday August 19th.

Went to the airport. Removed second and last fuel pump + filter - NOT NEEDED ! When used, the fuel pump was flooding the AeroInjector ! We were getting 5200 rpm static rpm and needed to get down around 4800 - 5000 so we repitched the propeller +1 degree. We added a coolant valve to be able to bleed air out of the system. Checked the coolant strenght and adjusted the mix. Added the red led strip for instrument night lightning - very easy and effective.

Finally, I went for a short flight. I got 750 fpm climbout at 55 mph and 75 - 80 mph cruise speed with all gauges in the middle green even in the 29C heat !

Love this !





Hi everybody,
I will post this as a testimony to WHAT NOT TO DO.

This all started with the replacement of the defective water pump.
After it was all done, I had to ADD WATER to top off the radiator and hoses.
Also, since the water pump breakdown cause was unknown (old or abuse), I decided to
relieve some pressure on the water pump pulley by loosening the belt (1/8 to 1/4 inch).
I checked everything, went for a 5 minutes hop, checked everything again. All good.



Wednesday, July 31st 2013
I decided to go to the fireworks (22h00) presentation with the 701. I took off from my homebase and
flew to the controlled regional airport to pickup my girlfriend. The water temperature was a little
higher than usual, 85C instead of the usual 80C, but nothing abnormal.
I landed and was instructed to hold short until traffics would takeoff...That took almost 20 minutes !!!
After obtaining clearance, I taxied to park while the water temp went all the way to the RED ZONE.
I exited the 701 to find leaking coolant from the cowling.

Night flight cancelled and I had to leave the plane there overnight ! Not fun !
My VERY UNDERSTANDING girlfriend gave me a lift back to my homebase(thanks BB!) and that was it for the day.
Altogether, 25 minutes of flight and 20 minutes holding short/taxi.



Saturday, August 3rd 2013
Went back to investigate cooling issue.
I checked the water pump for leaks, none. I checked hoses for leaks, none EXCEPT that loosening the belt
did make the belt contact the adjacent hose and it had almost cut thru it !
I changed the hose and routed it further away from the belt this time.
I added Prestone and checked the coolant (bought a coolant mix checker at CanadianTire Aircraft) and
found that AFTER I added Prestone, the boiling point was at 126C.
Ran the engine to operating temp, checked for leaks, none found.
Winds, gusts and thunderstorms prevented me from returning the 701 to its homebase.


Sunday, August 4th 2013

Went back to get the 701 home. Ran the engine to operating temps, checked for leaks and flew straight home.
No issues.



1)When topping off Coolant, use a coolant checker and make sure the mix is fine (70% Prestone / 30% water)
otherwise the boiling temp becomes too low and extended taxi could overheat the coolant.
NEVER ASSUME IT WILL BE FINE without checking it !


2) After I loosened the belt I made sure it wouldn't make contact with the adjacent hose...ENGINE NOT RUNNING!
BIG MISTAKE, the belt has some slack while it turns; it contacted the hose and almost punctured it!


In retrospect, I was lucky the coolant did boil over; it prevented me from taking off again.
If I had done so, the night flight would of been long enough to have the coolant hose puncture
resulting in a total loss of coolant and.... Well, lets not go there !


So, if you suspect something you did is just 'GOOD ENOUGH' ...IT IS NOT !

You may well be the next statistic in the newspaper...

Fly safe.


Funny facts : While working on the 701, airport personal, parking a KingAir, came to check the 701 out...

'NICE PLANE' I was told. I tought, I would swap for the KingAir parked in front of me anytime ! 

While departing the regional airport, the tower asked 'Is it a homebuilt ? I responded 'YES'.  

'NICE PLANE' you got there ! Thanks, I said while rolling to take off.



Wednesday July 24th.


On Friday July 12th, I went to the airport to prepare for the next day RVA flight to St-André Avelin. After topping the fuel tanks, cleaning the windshield and making sure the 701 was ready for the next morning 3 hour flight, I discovered a coolant leak coming from the water pump. Checking the engine manual, It said if the pump is leaking, replace it .

I drove to the nearest Subaru dealer to find out that the parts department closes at 15h00 on friday. So, I ordered the pump on the internet and decided on taking the Piper Cherokee the next morning instead of the 701.


On July 22nd, I replaced the pump (2 hour job) and ran the engine until warm. Checked for leaks and found none.


Today, I went to the airport and took the 701 for 1.3 hour of night VFR circuit work. Weather was cool and nice.

I even saw the La Ronde fireworks. There was a problem with the ARCAL system at the airport, so I was unable to get the runway lights to lite up. I circled for a while until another aircraft came around and finally got the lights to shine.

I landed while they were still ON and parked the plane.   



Monday July 1st,2013.


Went to the airport with a friend and decided to fly around for awhile. I took off first since I'm way slower and I got to the St-Laurence. before he caught up with me. We flew side by side for a short time and he proceeded towards Lanoraie while I did a 180 and went back to Boucherville to try to find my girlfriend location.

Finally found the place and buzzed around for a little and then back to the airport. 1.2 hour of flight with everything still in the middle Green. It was really hazy, muggy and foggy. Not really nice but at least no winds.

I flew at 80mph most of the time and the plane just felt really good. 

So nice to be able to go somewhere !    



Thursday June 27th,2013

Last tuesday, I went to the Transport Canada in Dorval with my climb test report, my aircraft journey

log and my original CofA with restrictions. Be advised to bring a photocopy of your documents because TC will keep those in your file. On wednesday morning, I got a call from the TC office stating that my unrestricted
CofA was ready. I went to Dorval and picked it up ! My next task was to move the 701 and the floats to a closer
airport than Lachute. I love the Lachute airport no questions but it is too far. People there are just nice and
the place is developing. I will miss the people and the place.

I flew the 701 for 0.8 hour straight from Lachute to Mascouche at 85mph at 1200feet altitude. It was so nice
to finally go somewhere. Everything was in the green just where you want it.

Now, real fun begins !



Friday June 14th,2013


After almost 2 weeks of horrible weather (my lawn just loves it !), I got to fly the 701. Early morning 50 minute flight saw the 701 climb to 2500feet and its pilot test sloooooow flights capabilities and flaps. At full flap (15 degrees), the plane slows down to around 40 mph and nosedown somewhat. Those full span flaps REALLY WORK HARD !

In that attitude the 701 lumbers and goes nowhere ...faster (or should I say slower) than usual !

Still everything stays controllable with no tendencies to drop a wing. So nice.


I still have to get used to the RUDDER inputs I have to feed to turn...I have to say, that THIS is my ONLY ANNOYANCE with the 701. The Cherokee, I also fly, doesn't require any rudder input other than for takeoffs+landings and the occasional sideslip. My instructor says it is normal for slower aircrafts to require rudder inputs in turns...


The 701 sat for 3 weeks waiting for the weather to clear somewhat and when I started the engine, it ran after 2 flips of the propeller...Just love this engine+PSRU+propeller. Still, soooooo smooth. AOT was 25C and from the engine gauges everything was MIDDLE GREEN even at full throttle climbing power ! The BEANIE mod really cools down the cockpit area and the 2 window openings keeps light inside the cockpit ! Very nice.


Two BEST MODS so far :


- Elevator VGs should be MANDATORY. Really helps maintain control over the elevator down to a rediculous flaring speed.

- Beanie mod : for 186cm TALL people and sunshiny places this is a MUST. Also, should be considered while building instead of retrofit.


Next Mod:

- Getting rid of the slats (15-20 lbs saving) and installing wing VGs. Also, use the slats brackets for wing fence mounting. Since my 701 will eventually go on floats, the wing fence is a valuable addon (Blue piece on top of wing).



That's it for now.

If you're building, keep at it. It is WORTH the work (fun)...





Monday May 20th.

Went flying today. Nice weather, overcast with some sunshine, 23C and almost no wind !

I did 1.4 hour of flying some touch and goes at first and tehn went for a ride. Got to the Carillon dam and then to a

brush fire to check it. Tried the flaps for size... They do slow you down and get the nose to pitch down but nothing

uncontrollable. I did land with 10 degrees of flaps dialed in ...Slower and flatter but otherwise no surprize. I'll have to check for deployment speeds...I had no clue at what speed I could deploy them safely. I did slow down to 65mph before I used them.

I now have 24.3 hours of flight time and 30.1 hours on the hobbs meter. I checked everything after parking the 701 - Good as new !

Funny thing today : As I was landing on runway 28 left, a cadet glider was coming in for a landing on the grass (runway 28 right) and they overtook me !!! A glider landing faster than the 701...I looked them up while I was taking off again and couldn't resist laughing this one up !

Thanks again to my better half for taking the videos today...Love you Cloclo !

Soon, You'll see me everywhere !


Fly High, keep safe !




Saturday May 18th.

Went flying today for 1.2 hour. Weather was nice and it looked like there was no wind. Well, not so. As soon as

you got in the air, the wind shear got you everywhere. I kept fighting the wind to keep the wings level...Not fun.

Also, the last time I flew, I found that I had to push the right rudder pedal to the floor to get the plane to turn slightly right ???

So, After I had flown 0.6 hour, I decided to go for lunch and check this out afterwards.

Good thing I did! One of the locknut on one of the nosewheel pushrod got lost and only one pushrod was doing all the work. While I was inpecting the 701 nosewheel, two fellows came to the plane with questions...Not very many 701 flying from airports around here. I answered their questions to the best of my knowledge and they left.

First time I see a locknut undo itself ...

Anyway, I installed a new one and got back in the air. This time, taxiing was fine and no more full deflection to get the plane to turn right ! I also tried the flaps for the first time...AIRBRAKES you say ??? Believe it !

I didn't land with the flaps, only flew around with them to get the feeling...

I decided to retire after another 0.6 hour ...The neverending gusts coming from everywhere got on my nerves and I called it quit for the day.


I now have 28.2 hours on the hobbs and 22.9 hour of flight time.


Keep safe !



Friday May 10th. 

Got to the airport. Again, untied the 701 and went flying. The Subaru started right up and I went. Early morning hop saw no wind and sunshine. This time, I decided to go places. So, I went for the Carillon dam and to Hawksbury (almost). It was cool, I was cool and the engine monitoring gauges all described a cool engine. Came back to the airport for breakfast. Went back to the dam and just flew around doing large 45 degrees turns. Very nice ! I did one more stop and one more leg before the weather came in. Winds from the front were getting on my nerves so I decided 2.2 hours would be enough for the day. I retired the 701 to its parking spot. 

I can now slow down the engine to 4000rpm and the plane will keep altitude and keep flying (slow flight). As soon as I reduce throttle, the engine gauges all go down to a nice COOL setting. If the throttle is pushed to the limit and kept there, all temps go to WARM - NORMAL and stay there. As soon as I reduce speed, everything go back down. VERY NICE !

Crusing speed is achieve between 4200-4800rpm on the engine which makes the engine very quiet and happy !

I practiced engine out emergency landings... The CH701 is NOT A FLOATER; it needs speed to stay aloft. Be ready to push the nose down to keep the speed up or you may bend the nosegear on landing. I started on the wing VGs, we'll see if removing the slats and adding wing VGs will help.

We are now 21.7 hours into flight testing and still nothing bad to report. It's just fuel up the plane and go! Next time, flap operation will be the order of the day.

The day ended with a fast check around which revealed nothing special.Ready for my next flight...

Till next time, keep safe !




Saturday March 5th,2013

Today I did 1.9 hour of engine out simulations, crosswind landings and pattern work before having to retire due to a nosewheel flat tire while landing.
The rollout stopped abruptly and the 701 sat in the middle of the runway unable to move due to the flat. Two pilots from a nearby C-150 and I, we pushed the 701 off the runway so that the traffic could resume. The flat was due to the tube valve being cut by the rim. Before all of this, I practiced engine out simulations and it went very well.
I now have less than 10 hours to go. Keep safe.


Hi again,

Today I went to the airport and flew 3.1 hours doing touch and goes. Also, I am experimenting with slow speed flight.

I kept flying the 701 slower and slower to see at what engineRPM the plane just can't hold altitude. So far, I got down to 4000 rpm at 55mph and still could hold altitude...Not going very fast but still flying. Also, I tried landing at the slowest approach speed possible. 55mph seems to be the lowest speed I can come in and land but at that speed there isn't much flare to the landing...

The engine/PSRU/Aeroinjector are all running flawlessly. I found a coolant leak traced it back to an aluminum junction between 2 coolant hoses. Changed it, topped coolant and went back flying. Further tests show fuel consumption to be lower than 5.0 gph...I'm getting much better at coordinating my turns with rudder input.

I had just enough time to install the sunroof on the pilot side....Passenger side sunroof scheduled for next monday..


Till then ...Keep safe.



HI everyone,

Flight testing has resumed and so far it has been very satisfactory. The Subaru/Aeroinjector doesn't need any fuel pump; originally I had installed 2 low pressure electric fuel pumps (2-4psi) and experimentation has showed those to be superfluous. In fact, once I used them and completely fooled the Aeroinjector/engine to the point that I had to undo all spark plugs and drain the fuel out of the engine by cranking it over ...if I wanted to use them, I would have to install a fuel pressure valve and adjust the pressure down... May as well take the pumps out altogether. 

Also, once I forgot the fuel valves OPEN and that too proved to be enough to cause problems...

Lesson learned : don't forget to CLOSE the fuel valves and turn the MIXTURE OFF !


For the first time, I flew over the winter (airplane in heated hangar) and I know I need to install a winter kit : all temps keep low even after 1 hour of continuous flight. Water temp in the 60's, CHT around 260, EGT 1200, Oil Temp 140-160. The engine didn't mind and never missed a beat but I froze my feet...


The Subaru/Aeroinjector starts right up ! Open fuel valves, Mixture FULL rich, ignition BOTH, START... 2 flips of the propellor and it's running. I do have to wait a few moments before applying power otherwise the engine will not follow right away.


The airplane flies better when it is cool/cold. I get 80-90mph easy and 800-1000fpm rate of climb. I surprised myself by taking off without applying full power !!! Too cool !


Until next time, Keep flying...Safe !





Hi everyone,


I continue testing the CH701/Subaru and so far it has been working very nicely. So far, I've flown two 50 minutes legs without stopping the engine and every parameter stayed nicely in the Green.

Once, the outside temp was 28C and the second time it was more like 20C (yesterday). Both times, when the engine was at running temperature, the parameters were as follows :


Oil pressure        : 25-35 PSI , 50 PSI at startup

Oil temperature   : 180 - 205 ( OAT 28C - takeoff run)

EGT                    : 1425 ( OAT 28C - takeoff run) 1280 - 1375 depending on throttle setting

CHT                    : 260 - 300  

Water Temp        : 80 - 85 ( 75 - 80 at 20C OAT)


Single - 20gals fuel

Nose wheel up     : 37 mph indicated 

Takeoff               : 42 mph 

Climb rate           : 550 fpm at 70mph, 750 fpm at 55-60mph

Top speed           : 90 mph (so far)

Cruise speed       : 70-75 mph (engine 4600-5000 rpm)

Approach speed   : 60 mph

Landing speed      : 55 mph


Double - 20gals (close to Max Gross Weight)

Nose wheel up     : 47 mph indicated 

Takeoff               : 50 mph 

Climb rate           : 500 fpm at 70mph 

Top speed           : 90 mph (so far)

Cruise speed       : 70-75 mph (engine 5000 rpm)

Approach speed   : 65 mph

Landing speed      : 55 mph


The CH701 "feels" very confortable at 70mph; it looks like it's the sweet spot for her and me !

I could fly her all day at that speed altough 70-80 seems to make her (and me) happy also.


Twice yesterday someone came up to me and told me the engine sounded very nice (???).

This comment has been made to me, by all kinds of strangers, every time I have flow this bird .

Must be true but I can't say since I'm flying the little bird...


The CH701 - Subaru - Aeroinjector - High Performance Radiator are all running PERFECTLY !

Before every flight, I undo the top cowling and check the engine compartment visually.

No complaints, nothing to do each time. Check - go flying !


I can keep the engine at full throttle for extended periods of time and still everything stays in the green.

The EGT runs more 1475-1500 but this is to be expected and, as soon as I throttle back, the EGT goes down to 1375 or lower depending on throttle setting.


Needless to say that I'm VERY PLEASED with the performance of the machine so far and if it stays like this, the 25 hour test period will be for testing the flight envelop more than engine tests.


The CH701 is on the nose heavy side but still manageable; I could fix this by moving stuff around but the condition is fas from being a concern so it will stay like this for the time being. Also, with 2 people on board, the 701 CG is right ON.


Yesterday, I flew 2 hours (1 leg 50 minutes, 1 leg 40 minute, 1 leg 30 minutes) and everything was so nice I couldn't believe that this bird's life is only 9.2 hours TTSN !!!


Felt more like we knew each other for so long..... Old friends almost.


I'll keep you posted.



Views: 4477


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Comment by Henry N Schulman on July 5, 2013 at 5:23pm
I really enjoyed your post. I was woundering why you plan on installing stall fences? Does the 701 have any undesirable stall characteristics when you add floats?
Comment by jim miller on May 23, 2013 at 9:21pm
Congrats on the test flying what are you doing for exhaust I going to send you a picture of mine this week end I made some light weight mufflers and its so smooth you would think your in a Cadillac
Comment by Robert Stacey on May 11, 2013 at 6:33pm

looks like your in for some fun flying this summer.  Stay safe.


Comment by Bob McDonald on April 8, 2013 at 9:01am

The tires are designed to be "tubeless" to prevent the type of flat you experienced. Low tire pressure allows the tire to rotate on the rim, in your case the rubber of the tire grabbed the rubber of the tube and took it along tearing off the valve stem. Tubes in ATV tires will have the same results. Great report our friend Bob Stuart will certainly go over your numbers closely.

Comment by RANDY L HALLOCK on March 26, 2013 at 11:47pm

Thanks Normand, I love it when you flyers keep us builders up to date. It does more for me than you know. Be safe...

Comment by Chumphol Sirinavin on March 24, 2013 at 10:30pm


Congratulation! Happy Test Flying.


Comment by Normand Lambert on September 29, 2012 at 5:48pm

Hi Larry,

When I ordered the AeroInjector, I had to specify the engine nominal HP, 4 stroke and Subaru make. With this info, Aeroconversion sent me the AeroInjector to fit my engine. It came with three needle sizes; the one already mounted was used out of the box and is still in use to date. Nothing was done to the AeroInjector; I had to modify the carburator adaptor plate that was already on the Subaru to mount the AeroInjector on it, hookup the mixture and throttle controls and that was it ! I had to play with the idle stop screw to get the lowest RPM possible for confortable idling (now setup at 1200 engine RPM - 520 Prop RPM). After the first high speed taxi tests, we discovered that the engine heat was pulverizing the fuel before it could enter the engine intake manifold resulting in engine RPM loss.

To remedy this problem, we installed a 1/4 inch thick insulator plate between the AeroInjector and engine intake manifold and we changed the water radiator (Glycol) to keep the engine temps low (original radiator too small).

Our insulator plate vaguely resembles the Rotax 912s plates found between their carburator and engine manifolds - probably serving the same purpose.

So far, the Subaru/AeroInjector combination hasn't missed a beat and I keep pushing it to see...

At 5600RPM (full throttle - takeoff RPM), the Subaru is far from its REDLINE RPM (6500) so it is almost a non-issue to run the engine at full throttle for extended periods of time. Nevertheless, keeping your engine happy keeps your pilot happy so I don't intend to rundown the engine just for the fun of it.    

I would say it is one of the easiest changes I made to the engine setup and so far, it has been trouble free.

Hope this helps in any way.



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