Has anyone ever run a three blade prop on a 701 with the 85 Hp engine?


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Comment by Jock Struthers on December 13, 2012 at 7:39pm

I have a Woodcomp composite Klassic 170 series  - 68" three blade ground adjustable propellor which produces lots of air over the elevator.  My test pilot and engineers have told me that it all sounds and operates sweetly and the experts at my local propellor shop drooled over it when I had them show me how to initially set and then later fine the pitch (to 11degrees) - nice change from the BIG hurcules propellors etc they are more used to! (and prettier than the Warp!) It was supplied with my FWF kit by the Czech Aircraft Works. http://www.woodcomp.cz/en/home.php 

Comment by Randy Cross on December 13, 2012 at 5:51pm

I've seen lots of 3 blade props on the CH701 with Rotax 912. I agree that warp drive would be a nice choice.

Comment by Bob McDonald on December 13, 2012 at 3:32pm
WARP 68" dia. 3-blade will work nicely with the Rotax 912 80 hp. Gear box allows the swinging of larger heavier prop.
Comment by J. Gordon Scott on December 13, 2012 at 8:42am

I am from the larger aircraft world originally, so Iam learning a lot (still) about what you can and cannot do with the LSA catagory. I was originally concerned about crankshaft torque however after considering the various factors a little more I should not have worried so much. Thank you Jock for your forbearance. All of you are much smarter than I am so I will more than likely be asking questions as time passes.


Comment by Jock Struthers on December 13, 2012 at 2:26am

I assume you are referring to the Rotax 912UL - 80hp??  There are lots of us with 3 blade props. Why do you ask?


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