Update on the Zenith supplied cabin heater for my 701.  Installed it in December and it works as advertised...actually a little bit better than advertised as I only need about 1/3 heat on days at 30 f outside. A couple of things: I went down to my aircraft supply store...Coop Plumbing section...and found a 45 elbow in black plastic that fit over the  heater firewall tube perfectly.  I then cut a slot in the elbow OD so that I could put an AN 3 bolt thru...left it a little loose.. for an adjustment of where the heat went.  That works well also.  Only trouble was that it it didn't have the clearance that I wanted from the shroud to the ring mount and also I relieved...punched in... the shroud to allow a little more clearance to the nose wheel mounting point.  Sorry no pics at this time.

As an addendum:  Don't use the black plastic 45 that I described...the damn thing melted...no smoke. fumes or flame but just melterd down. It was a greta idea while it lasted. Now I'm trying to ascertain what I will try next. 


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Comment by Phil Smith on June 13, 2014 at 9:58am

More Comment on the Heater from Zenith. The kit is supplied with a valve fabricated from metal that mounts on the firewall - I wanted the heat shutoff on the engine side of the fire wall.  I referred to a "black plastic" elbow that I found at the local Coop Supply House - it worked for  a while but the application was Too warm and it kinda melted.  No harm done just took it off last winter - now I have no diverter as previously described but it doesn't seem to matter.

To answer Jerry Griego - I think we are talking about two different designs of the valve.  Mine from Zenith was a flanged, round heat valve that mounts to the fire wall with a bolt on flange for the reverse side of the fire wall.  I don't have pictures. Basically I just fooled around with the mounting site to where I thought it would go,  then bolted it on, ran the cable and that was it. I did have a little trouble fitting up the shroud to the muffler but that's another issue.

Comment by Jerry Griego on June 12, 2014 at 11:29pm


I could use a little help. How do you make the air box lever move smoothly? I tried to make a triangle shaped horn but cannot

make it move smooth. It has a stuck position. I am using a Jabiru 2200 engine. I bought the complete heat system from Jabiru.

Do you have any pictures. There were pictures on the Jabiru site but very vague. Thanks

Comment by Bob Pustell on February 16, 2013 at 7:21pm

OK -- I understand now. The plastic part is inside the cockpit, there are metal bits on the "hot" side of the firewall and the flapper valve in the firewall valve is metal. That I can deal with. Sounds like a clever idea for a homemade diverter valve. Sorry I misunderstood your description.

Comment by Phil Smith on February 15, 2013 at 12:22pm


I thought about all that and the way I have the heater set up is with the steel control valve assembly on the engine side of the firewall and the "plastic" diverter on the cockpit side of the firewall.  I wanted to be able as you pointed out to isolate the whole system on the "hot" side of the firewall such as is done in production aircraft such as my 182.  Imagine it this way heat comes off the heat muff through a scat tube to the "steel" control valve on the firewall then passes though the firewall to the flange the "plastic" diverter is mounted on. Thanks for your concern.

Still grinnin


Comment by Bob Pustell on February 14, 2013 at 10:14pm

If you ever have an engine compartment fire I expect you will really regret that plastic elbow. The fire will destroy it very quickly and then you will have a path for flame and toxic fumes to penetrate the firewall so that you can breath it. That is assuming I understand your verbal description correctly. Maybe I do not visualize what you did correctly. I hope so.

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