Sitting here in Idaho wishing it would warm up to at least flyable weather.  Been right around zero and even though I have an engine pre-heater I built and the newly installed Zenith cabin heat I can't force my self out to the airport. 

I finished off the second Condition Inspection in early December. No issues except that I found that the left radiator mount had broken at the front engine mounting bolt.  Seemed to have failed radially from the mounting hole under the washer.  Ordered a new piece from Zenith and will keep an eye on the part.

I added the Cabin Heat kit from Zenith and flew 30 minutes on a rough 35 degree day and it seemed to be putting out heat so happy with that.

Fabricated cold wx baffles for the oil and radiator inlets (912 ULS Ring mount cowl) and they seem to be keeping the temps up to acceptable ranges.

Very happy with the "low weight seat" package I came up with, very comfortable and doesn't look bad either. (see blog)

Ordered the marine style lock tabs for the front of the doors (cheap at about nine bucks delivered) and will install to hold the front of the "bubble door" a little more securely (I found a cheaper place than West Marine can't remember the name) - I seem to rest my left leg against the door and push it out ever so slightly.  I saw this idea some place in the blogs and decided to try it.  I was going to fabricate some lock mechanism of my own design but this looked a lot simpler. Watch for updates on the builder's site. 

The total time on the plane is now 67.4 hours and I still get a kick out of it's performance.  Remember I bought and built the plane to fly low and slow and it does that very well.  

Still grinnin !!


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Comment by Bob McDonald on January 8, 2013 at 4:12pm

USA "Zero degrees F" = Canadian O degrees C and your uncomfortable ??? You will have to excuse me if you can hear the Canadian pilots howling with laughter. It was -32C here the other morning when Richard Lauzon's CH801 fired up and few into Pembroke for groceries & mail. Conversion -32C = -24F. 

On a more serious note the ring mounted Rotax 912ULS suffers more vibration fatique issues than the older "bed style" engine mount. This is the root cause of your radiator mount failure. The other rubber component to watch very closely is the rubber carb sockets. The vibration on start / shutdown literally rocks these carbs side to side and I have seen these rubber socket fail in 80 hrs or 1 yr in-service. On bed style mounts these same rubber carb mounts / sockets will last 200 - 300 hrs or 3 yrs.

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