A NEW, BIGGER STOL CH 801 (re-posted from the CH 801 Forum)

Based on the success of the STOL CH 801-HD as a commercial spray plane (a.k.a. the CH-8000), Zenair has quietly been working on an even larger and more capable STOL aircraft than the currently available HD model. Among other modifications, this new CH 801-EX has 4 feet of additional wing span, a larger tail, a sturdier cabin frame and a beefier landing gear - all for an increased design gross weight of up to 2,700 lbs.


The new design is a “Special Project” being assembled together with a US-based builder and will feature dozens of top-of-the-line accessories and custom-features; it is not intended to replace the CH 801-HD. No "upgrade" kit or instructions are planned to convert the smaller and lighter original or HD models into this larger “Super STOL”, but the new CH 801-EX should soon be a new option for builders/pilots wanting a larger 4-seat aircraft with more power and additional weight-carrying capability.


The first North American STOL CH 801-EX will be finished later this Spring, in time to tour this year's major summer fly-ins including AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI.


See here for more detail or you can also contact Zenair directly (705-526-2871).

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Comment by Michael Heintz on March 9, 2017 at 9:16am
As with all Zenith models currently available, the design, drawings and kits continually evolve and get better. For the latest developments of the CH 750 (or any Zenith model), please check the updates that are periodically added to the Builder Resources in the password-protected section of the Zenith Website. The CH 750 was conceived to fit the LSA category; we have no intention to replace it with an HD version (as was done with the CH 801). That said, our skunk works is by no means idle...

Thanks Bob - We do our best, but couldn't do it without the support of an ever-growing "Zenith Builders and Flyers" community!
Comment by Bob Pustell on March 8, 2017 at 1:28pm

Very good! Just think, those of us in the group now will be able to tell people a decade or three from now that we knew the Heintz operation when it was a small family business. We out here in the peanut gallery are proud of you guys. Please keep your nice "mom and pop operation" feel as you grow.

Comment by Michael Sipman on March 8, 2017 at 8:27am
nice to see Zenith continuing on with more new models improvements and options for its designs.
any plans to release an upgrade for the CH-750 to HD? further increase in useful load?

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