A story, about a story, about a story.... worth reading.

I read the following story (about a story in the New York Times, no less) about a Zodiac builder and his love of flying. Isn't it great to read some good news about aviation and flying, especially in a non-aviation publication?

Inspired by flying, and inspiring others

Pilot and Zenith Zodiac 601 builder Timothy Garrett recently shared his story and love of flying in the New York Times “Frequent Flyer.” Meg Godlewski, General Aviation News’ staff reporter, has written a few stories about Garrett, including Overcoming MS and fulfilling dreams and A promise kept, so it was great to see him share his story with the world.

He starts out simply: “I’ve loved airplanes ever since I was a child. In fact, my mom took me to my first air show when I was just a baby. She said I loved it.”

The story, which you can read here, quotes Garrett:

“Everything about flight excites me. My plane has this
huge canopy, and I can see all around. There’s nothing more wonderful
than flying, buzzing the clouds. It’s like the clouds and I are playing.

===> Posted on August 10, 2010 by Janice Wood. © GAN 2010

Many of you have met Tim Garrett with his Zodiac at one of our Zenith Open Hangar Days / Fly-In Gathering. My daughter and I had the pleasure of spending time with him and his mom at a local fly-in breakfast in June. I look forward to meeting him again soon. I'm sure I'll also be reading more about him also


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Comment by Tim Garrett on August 11, 2010 at 4:29pm
Thanks, Sebastien! We had a nice visit, too.

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