Mack Kreizenbeck loaned me his brake fluid filling system. Only thing I would change is to use a larger container, I had to refill the bottle a few times to get fluid to the Master Cylinders. And I overfilled just a bit, that wasn't evident until I stood on the brakes while doing a static rpm test.

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Comment by Sarah Ashmore on October 9, 2010 at 6:53pm
I have seen a commercially available unit in the past that was a small sprayer you would use for spraying in the garden. They just take off the sprayer nozzle and add a brake bleed fitting. You just pump up the tank and and fill up the system. That would give you more volume to work with so you do not have to stop midway in the process and I doubt a sprayer from the local home improvement store would be very expensive.
Comment by Jake Reyna on October 7, 2010 at 7:06am
Gee Bob, thanks for all the tips, now that I'm done ;-)

To avoid overfilling, I used a dipstick made from a zip tie. I just didn't account for fluid released when applying the brakes hard.
Comment by Bob Pustell on October 6, 2010 at 6:42pm
Looks just like the brake filling system I have used for years, except I use clear tube. That way, you can see when the reservoir is getting empty and you are starting to get air bubbles into the fluid stream. Close the bleeder, disconnect, refill the pumper tank and start again. Also, you can pump the tube full of fluid, no bubbles, before hooking it to the brake bleeder fitting, which prevents accidentally introducing air into an almost filled system. With a non-clear tube, it is hard to be sure you have no air bubbles in the fluid stream. To avoid an overfilling mess, substitute a tube nipple for the master cylinder top filling plug and have a short length of clear tube going to a jar. You can see when fluid starts to come out the top of the master cylinder through the tube, and know that the system is full.

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