XL Inside Canopy Latch upgrade and cable adjustment

This started out as a simple task, replace the stock knob with some sort of handle. In the middle of the simple project I had to adjust the cables, I couldn't get the canopy to unlatch from the outside. But first here are some pictures of the aftermarket Canopy latch. These are cell phone pictures.

This is in the latched position. I'm not committed to this spot, it is a start.

Unlatched. I can open by raising my left hand, no turning required.

So, you're probably wondering where you can get these window cranks? Summit Racing. The best part is that the ID is just a hair under 1" and it is almost a press fit to get it on, I had to thread it on holding the outside knob with pliers and there is a allen head set screw. There is a door handle version, it doesn't have the knob, the knob can be removed easily, it is held with an allen head screw.


I had to adjust the cables and added an additional crimp inside of the existing cable end. This was a pain and I would recommend some sort of access to the cable ends for maintenance.

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Comment by Don Forwood on April 26, 2013 at 4:39pm

My issue is with the outside knob. Many times I need to get a "cheater" to add just a tiny amount of leverage to pop the passenger latch.

Comment by Bob Pustell on October 14, 2010 at 1:05pm
Nice idea! In the 601XL flying I have done, I have not enjoyed that little knob. Having more leverage would be a good thing. Thanks, Jake.

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