Remember the CH750 kit owned by Angus Watt from Ottawa, the one I spent 8 days working on last month? Well, at the end of 4 weeks it looks like this... by the end of this day the wings and all flying surfaces are final fitted and it is once again dis-assembled and shipped to the paint shop today.
The CH801 (Yellow/Blue?White paint)in the back ground is a 4 seat model built for an outpost camp in Alberta.

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Comment by Jock Struthers on February 11, 2010 at 1:54pm
To Bob McDonald

Sorry Bob, I enjoyed reading your comment to my blog about painting but when looking how to reply, I clicked a blue cross on my screen below the add comment box and ended up erasing your great comment by mistake! Sorry - I am new to all this - do you have a copy of it still to re-post?

Yes it "horses for courses" - People say I must be a perfectionist to want to build a plane - but I am not - but I want to do it right, and have reworked or replaced things when I am not happy. Some of my builder friends are perfectionists and like you, will be bothered forever if the paint was not dead right, and that is the joy of building a plane - you have lots of options to do as you want - besides I don't have to worry about -18 degree temperatures you currently have and which I have experienced after working 2 winters in Alberta many years ago (actually we got down to -49degrees one morning).

I was also amazed to hear that you built a 750 in 3 weeks?? I have spent at least that amount of time in just "thinking"! - not to mention marking out, drilling and deburring 4000 odd holes, the new kits must be great!
Comment by Debra and Patrick Nesbitt on November 17, 2009 at 3:16pm
Lucky you, wish I was at Can-Zac working with Mark. You mention that your 750 is going to build as a AULA, is this correct? Could you ask Mark his opinon about using 914 instead of the 912S on the 750 either as a AULA or not. Maybe post a blog on the Canadian site.

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