Bucking Station, a riveting place to be.

I started assembling the Center Spar and bucking solid rivets, I remember why I didn't build an RV. Being a lazy guy, I looked for an easy solution. It started ok, using one hand to hold my hammer/bucking bar, I did ok. I wanted something solid and as usual I start at the end. Here is my Bucking Station.

This receiver hitch was just laying around my garage waiting to be abused. It's sitting on 3/4" plywood to give clearance for the Top Doubler. The rubber pad absorbs the vibration and some wooden outriggers to support the spar. I do woodworking and have an assortment of blocks.

I am able to use one hand to keep the piece aligned and can concentrate on keeping the Riveting Hammer parallel to the surface, minimizing the dings, yes there were a few dings, not sure why they aren't in this picture ...

It was going so well on the front side of the spar, I riveted the holes for the control yoke bearing? I broke Rookie rule #1, mark the No Rivet areas. It was still ok since ZAC sends a couple of extra rivets of each and I could use the 5-11's. The very next rivet was a failure. I didn't have the head seated and it looked like a mushroom. Now I am 1 rivet short. It's a lemonade story I will tell later.
This worked really well, but there are another 49 solid rivets to buck. Here is the line you will face.

A view from the rear.

I need to round the edges and grind a flat spot, the table will have to be moved out for better access, but this will give a solid surface to act as the Bucking Bar. Life will be good.

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Comment by Don Walker on January 7, 2010 at 1:45pm
I don't think there are any Harbour Freight stores in Canada, at least none in my area. There's a good video on the EAA 'Help for Homebuilder' video section with a C-frame from Cleveland Tools. Being a complete newbie to solid riveting I need all the help I can get. Looks like you're doing great work - appreciate your efforts to document it
Comment by Jake Reyna on January 7, 2010 at 11:51am
Don, didn't think of the C-frame, but that is an excellent idea. I looked around the shop and found a solution, I live 50 miles from Boise, there is a Harbor Freight, and a long drive, but I will add the C-frame to my tool wishlist.
Comment by Jake Reyna on January 7, 2010 at 11:41am
ou need to hold the piece up so the rivet head is flush with the surface. As you engage the Riveting Hammer, the rivet will compress, otherwise you end up with a mushroom.

I've mentioned that I'm not an engineer, machinist or mechanic. I spend hours figuring out the best way to accomplish a task based on my limited skills. It would be great if there was more sharing of knowledge.
Comment by Don Walker on January 7, 2010 at 11:29am
Thanks for sharing your efforts with the rest of us Jake. I was thinking about buying a C-frame to set the solid rivets. Have you tried that?

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