Have CH601HD's with Rotax 100HP engines faired well in cruise and climb performance?

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Comment by Jerry Latimer on April 18, 2017 at 5:56pm

The old demonstrator for the 601HDS had the 80 HP Rotax.  Roger gave a lot of demo rides in all over the USA.

Comment by Ron Lalonde on April 18, 2017 at 9:36am

I have a 601HDS, with in- flight adjustable prop, 80hp Rotax. Gives me 120mph cruise @approx. 15 litres/hr.

Dave Austin designed fairings,which no doubt helps, Climb solo and gross about the same as Bobs.

Am quite happy with the "small" Rotax, economical and good performance.

A friend of mine has the new UL engine in a 701, and its really a nice setup.

Comment by Jerry Latimer on April 3, 2017 at 8:34pm

I have a 601HDS with 100 hp 912ULS.  I cruise at 5K rpm at 115 mph burning 4.5 gph.  at 5400 rpm 125 mph burning 5.7 gph.  Climb 850 to 1100 fpm.  I'm quite happy with performance, reliability and cost of operation.

You have to decide if that meets your criteria of "faired well"

Comment by Bob McDonald on April 1, 2017 at 7:16pm

CH601HD with Rotax 912 80 hp. Gives 100 mph cruise @ 15 litres / hr fuel burn. Climbs 1100 - 1200 fpm solo and 800 - 900 fpm full gross.

Comment by Jeff naul on April 1, 2017 at 1:57am
Richard, I have an HDS with a subaru 100hp. climb at let's say at 950- 1000# is 1300fpm to 1700 fpm. right now my cruise 120 mph. no wheel pants on the mains just the nose right now. I'm using sensenitch 2 blade ground adjustable prop. what I've learned so far is that pitch is very important and the blades have to be exactly the same pitch with a digital protractor. this is for good performance and low vibration. the cowling fit needs to be tight and no more air entering than needs to be. what else I've learned don't build with the "oh that's close enough attitude" when it all starts coming together that close enough gets big somewhere else. wing to center section gap needs to be tight. don't use .016 on lower wing skins. I'm changing mine to .025 right now. use chromate primer on everything inside the wing lower parts. wasn't bad but I had some corrosion when I opened wings again.I'm playing with gap seals during this wing projet. will have news on that later. aileron reflexed 2 degrees showed 5mph improvement. I'm not expecting speed with gap seals but better climb and aileron response. when I'm climbing hard a 1700-2000fpm it's like sitting in space shuttle so the aileron gap at that hight angle has to cause significant drag..me personally wouldn't even consider rotax... unless you have one already. viking is taking over. when I do get bored I'll swap over to a viking, but right now lots of plans for airframe clean up... after wings back on and some more flying next is change to taildragger and changing the rear deck to a fastback. Jeff

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