CH750 Builder Videos are now ready to ship!

At last! The first two volumes in the series "Building your CH750" are now shipping. Fuselage Part 1 and Fuselage Part 2 are now completed and their details are illustrated at the HomebuiltHELP website. Soon, Horizontal Tail and Wings,Slats & Flaps will be ready soon (about a week for each). As these titles become available, the website will be immediately updated.

Look forward to any any feedback or questions you have on the content of these videos. Hope they provide a helping hand in the speedy, safe construction of your aircraft. They have been a pleasure to create. Details at

Thanks, Jon

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Comment by Jon Croke on July 8, 2009 at 11:59am
Thanks for the feedback, Bob! I think we are all in about the same age group, give or take... and we all like Zenith products... so the music appreciation must probably just follow the same path!
Comment by Bob Simmons on July 8, 2009 at 11:21am
Great! I need to complete my set.

My wife can't understand why I find the videos so entertaining that I'll watch them more than once, even though I'm not yet building. Women! LOL!

I liked the music on the wings videos too. I think you and Gus like the same types of music that I do.

Why am I the only one responding to this stuff?????
Comment by Jon Croke on July 8, 2009 at 11:12am
Yes, another "final" video is still in the works which will tie up a bunch of loose ends, such as mounting the wings and horiz tail, fuel routing and other misc fuselage tasks that finish up the 750. Other video projects on the wish list would be some popular engine installations.....!
Comment by Bob Simmons on July 8, 2009 at 10:53am
Will there be a video for the finishing kit?
Comment by Bob Simmons on June 14, 2009 at 3:01am
Okay, I should have watched all the videos first. The gear is included in the fuselage part 2 video. So disregard my question.
Comment by Bob Simmons on June 14, 2009 at 1:56am
Thanks, Jon. After the wings, are you going to have seperate videos of the gear and finishing kits, or will those be combined together? I haven't ordered the wings video yet, so I thought I might wait to get them all at once. I'm nowhere near being that far along anyway.
Comment by Jon Croke on June 13, 2009 at 11:15pm
Hi Bob,
Yes, we applied the corrosion protection only to where the parts mate. I am not recommending this procedure, just stating what we decided to do. If you ask 10 experts about corrosion protection procedures, you will get 12 answers. So I stay out of giving any advice in this area! Clearly, if you operate in salt water or other harsh environments, the more corrosion protection the better!

The preferred order of build may depend on who you ask. I do not know what Zenith's reccomendation is. I can give my advice and it is worth every penny you pay for it! Here it is: Rudder first (a good test of building skills). Then fuselage next, followed by horizontal tail components, followed by wings. My reasoning is that if you build in any other order, you will end up with large pieces that have to be "stored" until they are attached to the fuselage. Other than storage space requirements, all the components need to be finished before flying, and the order doesnt change that!
You can definitely get other opinions on this... so the more you ask - the more opinions you will get!
Comment by Bob Simmons on June 13, 2009 at 10:28pm
Oops. I hate to monopolize this discussion, but I noticed you apparently only applied corrosion protection where metal met metal. I've heard others say that all surfaces should get corrosion protection. Is that overkill?
Comment by Bob Simmons on June 13, 2009 at 10:24pm
I'll never tell. Did you pay the cats for their bit parts? I assume those belong to Gus.

I guess I ordered just a couple of days too early because the wings DVD wasn't available when I ordered. Looks like it came out just a few days after I ordered. That's okay though. I'm still enjoying the others.

And I've asked Zenith this before but I can't remember the answer. What is the preferred order of construction of the various components? I know the tail is supposed to be first, but I can't remember after that.

And just to be clear, I wasn't referring to the music when I noted the very muffled audio. It was your narration that was muffled. But again, that may just be the DVDs I got.
Comment by Jon Croke on June 13, 2009 at 11:41am
Hi Bob,
Oh my... that is inadvertent music... not by choice or design.... dont listen too closely.. I havent paid royalties for those yet!

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