I am building a CruZer here in northern Minnesota.  I wonder what is the link to join the CruZer group on Zenith Builders site. I have searched the link provided but haven't been able to find the group.

The project is going nicely.. to date the rudder,tail assembly and rear fuselage are complete and the cabin should be done early this week. To date we have 440 hours into the project. Now we are dependent on parts acquisition from the factory.

I would enjoy hearing from others as to which paints you have used and what you have thought of the results.

Rivet on!!


Lake Vermilion. Minnesota.

Views: 356


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Comment by Don Morrisey on April 16, 2014 at 3:01pm

Steve, this should work for you since you are already a member of the Zenithn forums:

Click on the Forums tab in between Models and Blogs on the address bar above.

Click on the CH 750 CruZer label

Once you get to that page, you should see a "button" that says "Join the CH 750 CruZer Forum"...it will be right under the Zenith Aircraft tab.  Because you belong to Zenith it should automatically join you to the forum once you click on it.

If all that fails call Joyce!!

BTW...I'm travelling to the factory on May 15th to fly the CruZer and probably write a check!!


Comment by Mark Maltais on April 14, 2014 at 5:50pm

LOL, it's not so bad, half the Zinc spray evaporates as it dries and I'd rather have a bit of weight and complete protection, especially when I plan to put it on floats!  :)

Comment by Timothy Aanerud on April 14, 2014 at 2:48pm

Yes.  I think 18 was the number Bruce said he used.  It's not the super high gloss finish that you commonly see on RV', etc.  But its good enough for a SkyJeep.  It sounds like you're going to have a heavy airplane at the rate you're spraying paint.

Comment by Mark Maltais on April 14, 2014 at 2:39pm

18 Rattle cans?  You serious?  WOW!  I've used more than that in Zinc Chromate alone!!!

Comment by Timothy Aanerud on April 12, 2014 at 1:54pm
This is a Bruce Cruikshank's airplane. His rational for using spray paint was a desire for a light weight paint job. He's built an RV-4 and RV-9 and didn't want all the extra weight from bondo, etc that is common on RV's.
Comment by Stephen L Towle on April 12, 2014 at 11:55am

Thanks Tim...She looks GREAT !!  How did you clean the aluminum?

Comment by Timothy Aanerud on April 12, 2014 at 11:42am

About a 18 rattle cans of Rust-Olium is all that is needed.

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