Wondering how some of you finished the interior of your cabins?   Especially curious how you finished the lower forward cabin panals

Did you insulate, if so what material...did you line the panals, which material...how did you hold it in place etc ?


Steve Minnesota CruZer builder

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Comment by Kurt Satter on February 29, 2016 at 11:53am

The QIC foam is actually GIC foam from Hi-Tech.  Here's the response I got via e-mail:www.seatfoam@inetnebr.com 

I think you mean our GIC product for the fuselage interior trim and floor
panels. A very kind customer did a "typo".

The GIC comes in a 1/2"X60 inch wide roll to us and 40 feet long. It is
sold by the square foot (so minimum order is 5 sq. foot or 1 linear foot
(12"X60"). It has a skin on one side and PSA on the other.

Each sq. foot runs $5.15. It cuts fairly easy with a box cutter razor. It
is closed cell with a skin and with pressure sensitive adhesive backing. We
also carry a "inside" firewall sheet 27X48 that is also has pressure
sensitive adhesive but meant for temperatures that might exist with the
firewall. The GIC adhesive is not rated for the firewall.

We accept Master card or Visa but do not have a secured line to accept
credit cards via the internet but we can bill you via our PayPal account.
You may call us 402-826-1902 to order or your Paypal account address.

Jim and Janice Fix

Hi-Tech Foams

Comment by Stephen L Towle on May 1, 2014 at 10:08am

Thanks Ed

    I plan to add insulation both for sound proofing and thermal issues ( it gets a bit cold in northern Minnesota)


Comment by Dr. Edward L. Olds III on April 30, 2014 at 11:46am


I built my 750 with the idea of putting in soundproof panels, but never got that far.  I added the Zenith interior kit, which provides a panel on both sides, but did nothing up front under the panel yet.  The plane is pretty noisy and you can't hear without a headset, so I'm not sure soundproofing will do much?  I have some CO leakage, so I may add panels in an effort to shut out some airflow from the engine area.  Anything might help.


Comment by Stephen L Towle on April 30, 2014 at 9:10am

Thanks to all who responded.  it gives me direction


Comment by Conrad Watters on April 28, 2014 at 8:16pm
Steve, I have a 750 , Rotax 912. Ottawa weather is very similar, I expect to yours, Painted interior to MINIMIZE weight, good winter clothes, good ANR headset.--- it has worked well through this past winter. Cww
Comment by John Austin on April 28, 2014 at 6:52pm


I highly recommend "GIC" foam sold by Hi Tech Foam. The foam is adhesive backed, burn certified, and approx. 1/2" thick. It seems almost weightless! it will shock you how light it is when you pick a large roll up It is skinned on the surface with a wrinkly finish that sort of looks like leather. Since it is so light, I used it on all the side walls of my STOL 750. I also used it on the fuselage floor in front of the seats and under the seats. It's durable enough for sidewalls, but you'll want to put floor mats in front of the seats to protect the foam I've been told my 750 is one of the quietest around!  I made poster board templates for each area and then cut the foam out with a utility knife or large shears. It's just soft enough it tends to conform and adhere well around rivets, etc. The grey carpet you see I found on Ebay - it's burn certified aircraft carpet, but heavier than the foam (although thinner!). It really suppressed noise by lining the baggage area with it, especially the back wall of the baggage area which tends to act as a resonator!.

Here's some pics of the black foam on the sidewalls and in front of the seat (before I put down floor mats):

BTW, I used their "Confor Foam" for my seats - great stuff!

Hope this helps,



Comment by Dan Stanton on April 28, 2014 at 6:35pm

I used neoprene foam stuck on with spray contact cement. 1/2 in. thick.

Was going to cover it with cloth, but never got around to it.

Works quite well for sound and cold.

Comment by Doug MacDonald on April 28, 2014 at 5:48pm

Steve, we used the factory Zenith interior kit on my buddy's STOL 750 but didn't bother with any other sound barrier than that.  I find most of the noise on this plane comes from the rear fuselage anyway so doubt any soundproofing would be worth the weight penalty.  I have no interior in my Rotax powered 701 and don't find it overly noisy.

As Burt Rutan supposedly said about any item you plan on adding to the plane, "hold it up in the air and drop it.  If it hits the floor, it is too heavy to put in your airplane." (obviously I'm paraphrasing)

Doug M

Comment by Dan Dempsey on April 28, 2014 at 5:04pm

I used the "Super Sound Proofing" from Aircraft spruce.  It remains to be seen if it stays or gets removed.  It's quite heavy, and I have no idea how much noise it is actually eliminating.  I used this on the firewall and areas back to the seats.  Most of the Zodiacs I've seen have had nothing at all in those spaces.  At the seats I have a couple of 1/4 foam core panels with leather glued over them.  The floor has sound proofing mat.  THis is like the foam panels but has an extra layer of rubber like material to make it like a floor mat.

You might be able to see a little of it here:


The luggage area has a thin layer of automotive trunk liner carpet.  This is very light weight material and I recommend it.

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