Our heartfelt thanks go to Randy and Tim for kindly sending their 'left-over' cleco's, wiring, instruments, clamps, breakers and other goodies to us in Ghana.  Randy and Tim both built Zenith aircraft, and at the end had some parts that had some good deeds left in the packaging... They responded to the Medicine on the Move and AvTech call for spares and sent them to friends in Atlanta late last year.  Last week, two packages arrived with Ben and Michaela and today the girls got to sift through, squeal with delight that some shiney Clecos were on the table, ('Ohhhhhh we needed more of those silver ones'), un wrap a slip ball ('coool, can we install this one in Oscar Mike!'), smile, ask questions such as 'what does that do?' and 'why are airplane parts all so pretty?'.... Rand and Tim, you have no idea the joy you have given - and the opportunities provided for us to change lives together - you are MoMmmers!

If you have some left-overs from your build, please contact us, we often can find a good home here in West Africa where we train the local young ladies to build and fly planes, maintain them and use them to deliver health care to rural communities, changing lives, one flight at a time....
Lydia (the young lady on the Left) and Patricia (second from right) hope to be at Osh2012 - so come and find us there! Tim and Randy, you will certainly be given the biggest African smiles you have ever seen, so be ready to find us!
MoM needs your support.... We love being a part of the Zenith family, and we need you! (and your leftovers!)

Views: 273


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Comment by Jonathan Porter on February 14, 2012 at 3:24am

Thank you all for all your support.... now, does anybody have a spare 801 amphibious floats kit?  Our next big need for our lake outreach!  Thank you ALL for the Zenith family support!

Comment by Clay E Hollenback on February 12, 2012 at 7:16pm

As the MoM webmaster I have a bit of an insider track on this.. Tim I can tell you this is a immensely generous gift. Those clecos and spare parts won't be used one, twice or 20 times.. They’ll be used till they can't be used on airframes .. then it wouldn’t surprise me if they are reworked to be used on something else. Nothing goes to waste. We would all be thrilled if you looked us up at OSH. If the timing is right we’ll have you over to our camp site for Peanut soup and rice balls (it’s very different in a good way)

Comment by Tim Garrett on February 12, 2012 at 6:35pm
Wow! I'm smiling and tearing up at the same time!
Comment by Clay E Hollenback on February 12, 2012 at 12:35pm


Comment by Chris Craver on February 12, 2012 at 10:26am


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