"Actually, there is a reason for the apparent death of clecos------- Just as it has been noted that coat hangers left undisturbed in a dark closet will mate and multiply, and their progeny will mate and multiply, etc., clecos are known to be intensely hostile to each other, no matter what their size (breed). What happens is that, when left undisturbed in a dark shop overnight, they attack each other, killing each other off at sometimes hideous rates. Also, being intelligent creatures, they hide the bodies of their erstwhile compatriots, generally where they will never be found. That is why you never have as many clecos as you had..........."

Paul Rodriguez 601XL-Corvair

Truer words of wisdom have never been spoken, as I started the morning I realized that I would not be able to continue very far until I recouped some clecos. The bodies of the fallen can not be found, I believe that cannibalism is involved.

Top Skin half done. I am of the old school and still use Zinc Chromate. It's not a debate just a preference.

Once the top fuselage was riveted I was able to move on to the forward fuselage, having a major section assembled is a great feeling. The forward fuselage went together very quickly, with reference to the plans and all the match hole drilling done, I found that once again I did not use any measuring device, just a sharpie, drill and clecos.

One tool I have in the shop that I have found a great many uses for is an extended drill bit. I have a #20 bit that is 10 inches long and it has allowed me access to areas on this project that would have been more difficult to do otherwise. Once again with the new kits you will have photo manuals and HomebuiltHELP video's to choose from and with the proper order of assembly you may not need the long drill bit. But I would not be caught without one.

Below is a picture of how my 701 is getting painted. I want a similar theme for the 750 but have run into a brick wall on designs.

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Comment by Mark Townsend on February 13, 2009 at 10:49pm
Your right Stefan, U have stated in previous posts that there is not a builders manual yet. IT will be available in newer kits, but not right now. As for the Homebuilthelp DVD's, Jon has been very busy building a 750 as well and you can follow his progress in another blog on this website. He is alot further along then I am and knowing Jon he will have the DVD's available in very short order. Possibly even before Zenith has the photo manuals available. Doing a photo assembly manual is a large task, I would have preferred to have one when my Fuselage arrived, but I am not willing to wait X amount of weeks or months for my kit, just for a photo manual that I would find hard to believe would have made this fuselage any faster to build in my case, it just woul dhave made the steps simpler. Once again it will be availble in the newer kits. AS for the 51% ruling I have answered that in a previous post. Two things have to come together, an inspector and a complete kit, both at the same time. I am working on that, I have tried one route and have a backup in case that was not possible. I cannot move any faster on that issue then I am.

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