No- Dissasemble Stephanie ( Short Circuit Movie)

Well that was it I ran out of cleco’s, so it is time to return to the rear fuselage and spend the day in disassembly and de-burring and Zinc Chromate. But I always look forward to the riveting, Stepahnie was not around to stop the dissasembly so off I go...( if you don't get it don't worry it was a 1986 movie filmed in Toronto)

I always look forward to riveting but seldom seem to do very much of it. Today was no exception, I had a couple of visitors to the shop today and one helped me with the riveting, this is always one job that I tend to give away, anyone can do it and everyone seems to enjoy helping when asked. Normally it falls to my children or wife to do the fondest job.

AS stated previously, I still use Zinc Chromate, I cut it 60% with Xylene and brush it in sparingly. I never spray this stuff. Spraying applies too thick a coat and in my opinion provides less protection and adds unnecessary weight. Brush it on with streaks and you will have the best protection with the lightest weight penalty. It may not look great but it is always hidden. For those area's that are not hidden I use Zinc Chromate on mating surfaces and a 2 part Epoxy which doubles as the finish paint in the cabin area.

What a great shot, it was a days work but it looks so great to see the nice straight evenly spaced rivet lines, have a look at the extruded longerons, not only do they make construction a whole lot easier they look incredible. Add to that .020 skins and diagonal members and this baby is not only solid but very quiet.No More kerr doink ....kerrrr-doinnkkk.

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Comment by Harvey Richards on February 16, 2009 at 9:37am
Thanks Mark. I have been using the Korzite coatings ZC thinned with Zylene as you suggested and was looking for something compatible when the time comes to spray the forward cabin area.
Comment by Mark Townsend on February 16, 2009 at 8:28am
I use a local brand to me from Buhl chemicals, the colour is actually Can-Zac Grey. IT has a really nice finish and sprays on very easy. The interiour is prepped with scoth pad and laquar thinner. I do not use primer except on all mating surfaces which has Zinc Chromate from Korzite coatings in Guelph Ontario.
Comment by Harvey Richards on February 16, 2009 at 7:23am
I am envious with your progress Mark. What brand 2 part epoxy do you use and what prep is needed? Do you use the Lacquer thinner and Scotchbrite Pad and do you use any Primer ? Thanks.

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