Fellow Corvair Engine Owners: I have been trying to install the correct spark plugs in my Corvair Engine. We are in the process of flying off the 40 hours in our newly completed 650. William Wynne says that the correct plugs should be R44C's. We have been unable to find a source for this plug model number. So my question to the group is: Are you flying with R44C's, and, if not, what plug model number are you using and where did you find them? The present plugs in the engine are Champion L92YC. They have been labeled as break-in plugs. Any help would be appreciated. Shayne McDaniel

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Comment by Brenda Smith on August 22, 2010 at 6:56am
Comment by David Coberly on August 19, 2010 at 5:46pm
I copied this quote from WW's site "If you'd like to experiment with iridium plugs in your Corvair, Denso makes a Part No. IWF16-5359" I have these in my Corvair but have only flown with them a very short time before the upgrade but seem to work fine but so did the R44F plugs.
David Coberly 601XL / Corvair soon to fly Again!
Comment by Floyd E. Gantt on August 19, 2010 at 12:19pm
I am using R44F in my Corvair Conversion as this was the closest temperature. Here is an excerpt from WW email. Reply from WW:
In the U.S., AC R44F plugs are readily available and in continuous production. The standard Corvair plug in the 1960s was the 44FF. This plug has not been produced in a long time. When we get a core motor in with an old set of these installed, you can be pretty sure it hasn't been driven in 20 years. We do all of our flying on R44F plugs. These are the resistor version of the 44F. Operationally, they run just the same and have provided us with years of good service

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