I've been looking at the Aircraft Spruce catalog and trying to figure out what parts I need for fastening my cowling closed.  I've been looking mostly at DZUS fasteners.  I'm finding it hard to figure what parts are needed from the catalog and or website.  There especially seems to be missing information when looking at the flush type DZUS fasteners regarding required parts and sizes.


Does anyone have some suggestions on what to use.  I've done flush rivetting throughout the airframe skins, and I want something fits in with that.  Are camlocks an alternative?


I'm going  to be making a carbon fiber nosebowl and metal cowl.  The cowl will be hinged along the top with a pianno hinge.   I'd like it to be easy to access the engine compartment.


Suggestions on what to use, type sizes and numbers would be greatly appreciated.

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Comment by Mike Ice on July 18, 2011 at 10:26pm


I still suggest that you call Skybolt and talk to a company that makes these things and ask them questions, you don't have to buy a kit, they will not push a kit on you, they will only sell you what they need. That way you can glean all sorts of info from them, for example gromet size, thickness, etc... Really get the facts from the folks that make the things.


I am going to sell my RV-9 and start building a CH750.


Mike Ice

Comment by Dan Dempsey on July 18, 2011 at 7:07pm

I'd still like some feedback.  I'm looking at the grommets on ACS pages.  When are these needed?  Is it about the material thickness?  Are they always needed?  How do they effect the thickness?


Comment by Dan Dempsey on July 14, 2011 at 4:05pm
I looked at the Skybolt site, and the kits seam attractive if it weren't for the price.  I think they're more expensive than I can justify for a few fasteners.
Comment by David Gallagher on July 14, 2011 at 11:53am



I like the camlocks on my Jabiru 3300 cowling.  They feel pretty secure to me.  The Aircraft Spruce catalog has a guide that give recommenations based on the total thickness of the parts being joined. In the case of my cowling halves, I think they were on the order of .200 so I used the 26S8-6 studs.  The receptacles are all the same size.


Good luck,



Comment by Mike Ice on July 13, 2011 at 2:27pm


There i a company in Florida, I can't remember the name right now and they sell 1/4 turn fasteners for all sorts of applications for aircraft, wait! I think the company is Skybolt  www.skybolt.com  , anyway a search of the internet should supply you with their name and address., call them and tell them what you are building and they will supply you with everything you need.


I used this product on my RV-9 and I am completely satisfied,


Mike Ice

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