Dual throttle control for Rotax engines

I was just perusing the Aircraft Spruce website and came across this throttle control that I had not seen before. Forgive the post if all you Rotax guys allready know about it but here it is just in case.


Phill Barnes




This panel mount throttle control for Rotax engines with dual carburetors allow a neat, clean throttle installation without a clunky splitter box. It features proven supersmooth friction lock, all metal construction, a Teflon liner, and heavy duty 0.062 inch stainless steel inner wires.

Behind the instrument panel, it splits into two conduits for easy and flexible routing. It's available in four, six, and eight foot lengths and is easily trimmed if required. Longer controls are also available up request.

Standard knob is egg shape and ball knob is sphere shape.

  • Panel Fitting: 1/2-20 UNF x 0.67 inch thread
  • Slip Fit Conduit Terminals: 2 each with 1/4-28 UNF x 1.00 inch thread
  • Conduit: 0.188 inch OD Teflon lined wound conduit
  • Inner Wire: Heavy duty 0.062 inch diameter, 1x7 stainless steel twisted wire per MIL-DTL-87161
  • Travel (stroke): 3.75 inch maximum
  • Design Work Loads: Push- Not Applicable (designed for pull loads only) Pull- 10 lbs maximum
  • Typical Locking Force: 1 to 10 lbs (locking force dependent on friction lock engagement)
  • Operating Temperature: -65 to 450 F
Description Part Number Price Buy
4FT LENGTH, STANDARD KNOB 05-04385 $147.95
6FT LENGTH, STANDARD KNOB 05-04386 $139.95
8FT LENGTH, STANDARD KNOB 05-04387 $156.85
4FT LENGTH, BALL KNOB 05-04388 $139.95
6FT LENGTH, BALL KNOB 05-04389 $147.95
8FT LENGTH, BALL KNOB 05-04390 $156.85

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Comment by kenneth capenter on May 6, 2011 at 4:31pm
I have trottle close to center and operate it with left hand. It can be reached by the copilot with some effort. Engine is 0-200.
Comment by Phill Barnes on April 29, 2011 at 2:01am

Hi Guys

Thanks for posting your thoughts here. It would appear that a lot of people already know about this unit. For us Jab owners, it would be great if one of the cables could return to the other side of the panel and have another throttle handle installed maybe by grub screws or something. However I think that if one wants dual throttles on the panel the cross rod system is the best option. Jabiru make machined slip on and bolt through horns that go onto a 4130 tube ,nylon bearings etc, for a reasonable price. Similar parts can also be purchased from some auto stores as performance add on parts. John Clarke says what others have said about the tension from the Rotax/Bing carb setup.  Jon Croak put weaker springs on his Rotax/bing carbs and was unable to obtain full throttle and consequently crashed. Tracy Buttles installed a spring on the cross rod throttle system on one customers 701/Rotax, to counter the carb springs.


 I think that this is the best idea. I considered using the Jab parts for my 601xl but decided to go with a single center friction throttle. I have the chance to build another aircraft, I will definately be using the Jab cross rod dual throttle parts.

 Here are a few pics from the Jab website.

Comment by John Clarke on April 28, 2011 at 2:31pm

I fitted one of these to replace the original T-bar arrangement which, in my aircraft, was so stiff that throttle control was almost impossible.  It's no exaggeration to say that it has totally transformed my enjoyment of the plane.  I've no need for a throttle on the right-hand side.


One minor problem...the Bing carbs on the Rotax 912 have springs which put the engine to full throttle in the case of throttle cable failure.  These are a bit too strong and a reasonable amount of friction lock is required on the cable at all times.  If the lock is loosened completely, the throttle can quickly go to full, giving the unwary a nasty surprise! Not a problem once you know about it.

Comment by Harmen van der Velden on April 24, 2011 at 7:39pm
has anyone figured out how to pair two of these ?, so that both the pilot and the co pilot have control of the throttle.If that could be done then we could eliminate the whole "throttle control bar" and the secundary throttle cables
Comment by Bob McDonald on April 24, 2011 at 8:25am
You would need to mount the throttle in the centre of the panel. Otherwise it would not work as a "dual throttle" type setup for instructing. I never saw it until after I had built my CH750.
Comment by Paul Toone on April 24, 2011 at 7:50am

Hi Phil,

It's very good. Just fitted it to my XLB after giving up on a quadrant arrangement. Very smooth. Just got to get the broken spark plug out of the subie head !


Paul Toone

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