Engine bracket on older 912 bed style mount

Did an oil change last weekend, when I started the engine to warm the oil I heard the familiar sound of a brocken engine bracket (912ULS 451 on the hobbs). Pulled the cowling off and sure enough the right engine bracket had cracked completely off AGAIN! by the front engine bolt (3rd time). Changed my oil/filter and pulled the bracket off. I fabricated a new bracket out of 4130 and made a doubler for the frount 2 inches and tig welded it in place, I also fully gusseted the front of the bracket so that it is boxed. It will not break there again, I just hope I did not transfer the problem to somewhere else.
I have seen and heard of this bracket cracking on other Zenith airplanes (exact same failure mode) with the older style engine mount and the 912/912S engines, so it is definitely an area to keep an eye on.

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Comment by Bob McDonald on May 1, 2012 at 11:43am

Post some pictures... they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that makes me a speed reader :>)  I have an older bed style Rotax 912 mount on my CH601HD. Do you have the BullyHawk soft start module and slipper clutch on the gear box?

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