Ken Szewc
  • Merlin, OR
  • United States
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Ken Szewc's Friends

  • Roger Pearce
  • Michael T. Herndon
  • Cedric Schieber
  • Brian Unruh
  • Terry Hagel
  • Jake Reyna
  • John Marzulli
  • Kevin McCune
  • Ron D Leclerc

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Systems Engineer with a lot of mechanical and sheet metal experience.

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Ken Szewc's Blog

Engine bracket on older 912 bed style mount

Posted on April 28, 2012 at 10:00am 1 Comment

Did an oil change last weekend, when I started the engine to warm the oil I heard the familiar sound of a brocken engine bracket (912ULS 451 on the hobbs). Pulled the cowling off and sure enough the right engine bracket had cracked completely off AGAIN! by the front engine bolt (3rd time). Changed my oil/filter and pulled the bracket off. I fabricated a new bracket out of 4130 and made a doubler for the frount 2 inches and tig welded it in place, I also fully gusseted the front of the…


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At 11:13am on July 7, 2010, Ron D Leclerc said…
G'Day Ken...
Nice to see that you are building a 701... how far along are you? You said you had some questions on wing!

At 11:09pm on June 11, 2010, Cedric Schieber said…
Hi Ken, I have Thursday, June 17 scheduled for the a/c inspection by a DAR. There will be 4 planes inspected by him. It has been a long time coming, since 2003. At last success... Will send you a note after the paper is signed, Yea.
How are you doing?
Will have a hanger at Illinois Valley Airport for the time being, had a great friend that arranged the space. Take care buddy. Cedric
At 6:28pm on May 9, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
Oops, make that the upper left corner of 7-V-11. Terry
At 6:26pm on May 9, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
Ken - Linda and I enjoyed our time with you and found the visit both informative and interesting. I came away with some good ideas and will probably hit you up with some questions later on when I go to put some of the changes in place on my plane.
We discussed the venting of the tanks, and I looked that up on my drawings. It is discussed in a note on the upper right corner of 7-V-11. My drawing is dated 11/2004.
Thanks - Terry
At 10:51pm on April 29, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
Thanks for the info, I will call when I get in the area.

At 10:11pm on April 29, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
Do you have a phone there, so I can call if I can't find you? Anything special required to get to the hangers?

At 10:09pm on April 29, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
How about between 1 and 2 PM
At 2:57pm on April 29, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
I am going up to Salem until early next week. My cell phone [which is monitored most of the time] is 503.510.6372. I do want to take a look at your plane and talk about flying with you. I wish I could get over there while you were doing your annual and take a look at that project. If we get in contact in time for me to swing by this friday[4-30] (assuming you are still working on it), I would drive up through Medford rather than my normal trail which is up hwy 97. If not, later ....
At 11:21pm on April 9, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
I have heard that some owners have removed there slats for VGs. When did you get your plane completed? What do you now have as an empty weight? We are not to far apart - if possible, I would like to take a look at your plane. If you are out and about, I could meet you at the Chiloquin airport. I also drive over to your area every so often and could stop by.
At 12:15pm on April 6, 2010, Terry Hagel said…
What engine do you have in your plane and how many hours has it flown? I've just got my wings on and am working on the slats. Hopefully, I can get mine in the air sometime this year.


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