Passed my Final Inspection!!! Went very well just a couple of label snags. I had installed the "EXPERIMENTAL" Decals in my cockpit and that is a different class here in Canada, so I had to remove. Just have to wait on my papers from Transport Canada then off to my first flight. I have been training in Doug Pelton's plane and it has been great. His plane flies awesome. I will post my first flight in the next two weeks or sooner I hope......

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Comment by Mark Colbeck on November 30, 2011 at 2:26pm
Bob that is really funny. As Jacks parting words to me was the exact same phrase! I guess this is old news for the veteran builders.
Comment by Bob McDonald on November 30, 2011 at 2:20pm

Congrats... remember when dealing with Transport Canada their motto "We are not happy, until you are not happy" ;>)

Comment by Mark Colbeck on November 30, 2011 at 2:04pm
Jock it sounds like a nice way to finish by getting your papers to fly as soon as your done. In Canada I have to wait for them to review and send me my approval to go airborne. Takes some of the wind out of your sails but an exciting time none the less. Happy flying.
Comment by Mark Colbeck on November 30, 2011 at 2:00pm
My inspector was Jack Dueck. A very experienced builder and EAA tech councilor. He also on the board for Oshkosh. Very knowledgable and a pleasure to deal with. Paper paper paper seems to be the name of the game with everyone. It was a point that Jack had made stating it is the one area that a lot of builders come up short. I had heard that with Transport Canada so I was as prepared as I could be and he even commented that it was well done and very clear. He said transport wi reject paper work if there is even a strike through or corrections made to the documents. Not sure as this was my first build.
Comment by Jock Struthers on November 30, 2011 at 1:30pm
Congratulations. I have just been through the same process in New Zealand after hiring a local GA aero engineer to check everything, sign me off and organize all my logbooks paperwork etc which was the biggest minefield I faced since I received my kit. When the CAA inspector came, it was all straight forward took about an hour and a quarter and he gave me my Permit to Fly on the spot and my test pilot was ready to go next morning!
Comment by Joe Harrington on November 30, 2011 at 1:28pm

Congratulations Mark! Who did your inspections? Looking forward to seeing around at the fly-ins.


Comment by Mark Colbeck on November 30, 2011 at 9:12am
One more thing as for the "what the inspectors look for" list they do go through it item by item. Some items obviously don't apply. Make sure you know all your deflections for all controls including trim tab.
Comment by Mark Colbeck on November 30, 2011 at 9:10am
The inspection went well. If you follow the list "what inspectors look for" that was sent with your final inspection package, you will be fine. They now do an engine run up and check gauges and pressures as well. Documentation and labeling was the most important so review what is required for labeling on the plane and the sizing. I had copied a previous builder on some of the English and French labeling on the warnings an I had to change as there is new requirements. I will post what I had to put on when I get to my plane. Be sure that all your documentation matchs I had to change my docs to match my data plate as on the data plate I only had my middle initial but ony docs I had my full middle name. Now if the snow stops I can go flying. Once I get my paperwork.
Comment by Normand Lambert on November 30, 2011 at 8:56am

Hi Mark,

GOOD FOR YOU !!! Congratulations !

Now, for us who are waiting for our last inspection, can you tell us how it went ?

What they checked ? Engine running ? Paperwork ?

This would be a great help.

Can't wait to see your bird fly...After all, they were meant forthat, weren't they ?


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