One of my favorite applications on my iPhone is Trailguru, which I started using to track my bicycle rides. It's also a fun and simple way to track my flights.

Here's a summary of my flight this morning in the STOL CH 750.

Besides the mapping, it provides a quick overview of the elevation and speed:

Here's the website that logs the flight info:

There are other fun (and sometimes useful) applications for the iPhone for pilots. I like the live weather reports, though I haven't had much luck accessing these inflight...

Let me know what iPhone applications you use while (or before) flying...

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Comment by Alex Roca on December 8, 2010 at 9:45pm
Tim....check this website.

This app work great for an iPad and iPhone. I was looking for a portable GPS as backup and for the price of an iPad and Foreflight.... It beats anything I have seen in the the added bonus of a full in flight entertainment system (for the passengers.... ). I fly with it all the time. You can plan your flight, do a complete weather briefing ...file your flight plan... See satellite pics, radar, temps, winds aloft, TAFS, METARS, see fuel prices at different airports. All IFR enroute low, high charts, Sectionals, approach and departure procedures are downloaded automatically for only $74 per year... Just does not get better than this.... Only negative about it is the glare.... But I can live with just need to set it at the right angle. I have posted a video where I am flying to Port Aransas and I show the iPad in action ...
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on August 20, 2009 at 9:54am
Tim: QuickOffice works well with Excel spreadsheets. You can export the tracks data from trailguru as a GPX file...
Comment by Tim Garrett on August 16, 2009 at 7:41am
Sebastien - I've been using trailguru the last few days. It works just as you say and is good up to 10,000 ft! I'm trying to figure out how to download the tracks into an Excel spreadsheet to do some additional "flight test" analysis.

Also, do you know of an App to run Excel spreadsheets on the iphone? I have a weight & balance sheet I'd like to run.
Comment by German Serrano on March 21, 2009 at 2:38pm
All that sounds great, the idea of using the i-phone as a nav aid and for flight analisys is amazing. I'm not very good with computers but I have a 20 year old son who is quite good and this sounds like an attractive challenge for him. My wife won't be very happy with the project, it's her i-phone.

Good winds

Comment by Stephen R. Smith on December 29, 2008 at 4:38pm
Putting a PC in a plane is not for everyone. Its not without its problems. I have been a programmer for (way too) many years so I can cope with the crashes and other problems. A high-end GPS is a better option for most pilots in my opinion - far more reliable and easier to use. The iPhone in the air is a new twist.

Comment by Sebastien Heintz on December 29, 2008 at 3:53pm
Steve - you have a great panel with the tablet PC! What I like about the iPhone is it's simplicity (though it's limited as a nav aid).
Thanks for posting great photos, especially of your trip to Oshkosh!
Comment by Stephen R. Smith on December 29, 2008 at 3:22pm
That’s a neat trick. I don’t yet have an iPhone – they sure look tempting.
I do much the same thing with my GPS. After each flight I take it home and upload the track data. I use the GPS track information to update my pilot’s log book and inspect my flight path.
Often I upload my track into Google earth where I then can re-fly the trip in 3D with satellite imagery. After you get good with Google earth you can view your track from the side as well as down - very cool for inspecting turns and other maneuvers in 3D.
Recently I have been geo-tagging photos taken during a flight by synchronizing with the GPS in real-time. I have written software for the tablet PC in my airplane which does this semi-automatically for me.

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