For those who may not be aware of it yet, Zenith has posted a link on their web site to many hi-res pictures of the CH 750. These look to be the pictures from the KITPLANES magazine photo shoot. At least the pictures in the magazine article come from here. The link is below, and it's also on the CH 750 photo page on Zenith's web site.

CH 750 Pics

There are some really great pictures in there, many large enough to become your computer wallpaper. You even get to see Sebastian and Roger posing with the aircraft like those bikini clad models on hot rods. Don't worry. They aren't actually wearing bikinis. Yech!

(Pssst, the hot rod models are much prettier!)

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Comment by Bob Simmons on March 4, 2009 at 2:38pm
I've made these and other CH 750 pictures, to include assembly pictures, available as several easier to download zip archive files instead of downloading all of them individually.
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on February 6, 2009 at 4:06pm
Yes, these photos were taken by photographer Kevin Wing. We flew over scenic Mark Twain Lake (north of Mexico, Missouri). Roger piloted the STOL CH 750, with Zenith welder Kelly as co-pilot. I flew the 701 (with right door removed) with photographer Kevin Wing hanging out the door...

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